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Posts posted by MarkOfEternity

  1. It is not a good thing to be forced to do something that you are not inclined to do, under the false assumption that it is safer. After all, there may be one time that it is not safer to wear a seat belt. Therefore, the logic is flawed. If the government will make you wear a seat belt because it is safer, then wearing a seat belt should ALWAYS be safer. Otherwise, the government shouldn't dictate that I must wear a seat belt, on the chance that it MIGHT be safer.

  2. A Random Poem Written On the Spur of the Moment,

    by Mark Freeman (05/29/08)


    As the cold night falls,

    On bare window sill,

    And light through its entry,

    Becomes shadow still,


    And all the world quiets,

    And the the world feels,

    The bitter realization,

    Of time that it steals,


    I come to know now,

    With certainty grown,

    That within a family,

    A person's alone,


    And within the ocean,

    A person will thirst,

    And dying of hunger,

    He'll clench his fist first,


    Raised in some anger,

    A person will end,

    And put against danger,

    He'll seek out a friend,


    And lucky are we,

    Who turn and do find,

    A friend at our side,

    Instead of our kind.


    - Rights are given to republish this poem freely so long as credit is given to the author for his intellectual property.

  3. A custom made seatbelt would cost money. Money that most people who live where I live would not be able to afford. And honestly, there are quite a few laws I disagree with, but I thought I would pick one that seemed benign. However, if automobile distributors offered seat-restraints with a 5-point harness, or free customization of restraints, I might reconsider my position on it being a bad idea to be forced to buckle up. One of my main problems is, seat belts cannot be easily customized to fit any individual -- at least not here. The basic driver shoulder belt is designed for a 6 foot male driver. If you're not, then you are not wearing the belt properly and are at risk.

  4. But why do other people know what is best for us? Should the driver know what is best for the driver? What if there is a medical condition that doesn't allow the driver to wear a safety belt the right way. Then it wouldn't be safe, let alone safer than not wearing one. I think the government oversteps its boundaries when we are told we HAVE to wear a seat belt. Of course, I've said that before, but I still want to emphasize it. For those of you who believe in premonitions, what if you had a dream that revealed to you that your life would be saved by not wearing a seat belt. Wouldn't you worry every time you were required by law to put one on? Shouldn't it really be your own choice?

  5. I can personally vouch that the times are correct at least 4 times out of 5. It offers two times each day, and says that only one of those times is correct. The problem is that AM and PM seem to be random, so he can't figure out which it is. But if you can log on twice a day, you will have a better than fair chance of waking turmaculus.

  6. I was just wondering what you all thought of something as simple as the government (for example, the state of Illinois) passings laws that require motorists to use a seat belt or get a ticket. I don't expect you all to agree, obviously, that is why this is posted as a debate. Please explain why you think the way you do, and I will do my best to support my decision. Who knows, maybe you'll change my perspective.


    It just seems wrong to me that a government official can tell me that I have to wear a seat belt. If even one case exists where a person could have been better off in a car accident had he not been wearing a seat belt, that should be a choice that the driver gets to make. I have heard stories of people who didn't wear a seat belt being thrown from a burning wreck. I have heard stories that support seat belt laws, and stories that suggest a seat belt may have killed someone. If there is even a 1:1,000,000 chance that not wearing a seat belt could save your life, isn't that your choice to make?


    Let me know what you think.

  7. Eventually this topic is going to fade into disuse. I haven't been here very long, but I thought I might try to encourage whoever moderates this section to add that link to the first page of the Turmy alert. What do you think? It gives a pretty basic idea of when you can expect turmy, so there will be a bigger turn out, and people will be expecting to see something at those certain times of day, so they'll be paying attention to the alert.

  8. I do not believe in the death penalty. It may be because I am paranoid and believe that an imperfect system can be manipulated to "convince" someone that a person is 100% guilty when they are 100% innocent. It may be because I have seen judicial corruption in the past, and will probably see it in the future. The fact is, there is no such thing as knowing 100%. Three witnesses? Bribed by the cops. DNA evidence? Forged by the researcher. Sworn testimony of guilt? Gotten by violence. Put it this way... if it were you... and all the evidence pointed straight at you, would you want to die, or would you take solice in the fact that they would put you in jail and you would have time to appeal and prove your innocence? And even if you couldn't prove your innocence, at least you could live your life and make peace with your situation.

  9. Summer Spanish? That's sounds "Ay caramba!" Mui loco el baca! ... I'm not sure what the first part means, but I think I said very crazy man-cow. Or something. Yes...that is the extent of my Spanish vocabulary.


    Lol. Who likes the game "Uno?" since we're on the topic, I love that game.

  10. Well, I was happy to upset the delicate balance of the forum boards. I am incredibly surprised that my welcome post is still up here and the most recent post is less than a few hours old, too.


    Now, speaking of unstoppable evil, is anyone here going to school regularly? I, myself, just graduated from a community college and am transferring next semester to a 4-year academy. Good times, good times... Unstoppable evil...but good times.

  11. And wow, 31 posts in a day, that's good


    Thank you. I enjoy chatting and posting. To be honest, sometimes I can get quite competitive in trying to get the last word. But I will try to control myself here, understanding that most people might see my intentions as less than honorable.


    Unfortunately, right now I have to leave. I'm going to go to the store and pick up some necessities. I'll talk to you all later.

  12. Wait, wait... this doesn't answer my question! What is doom? Do you have a focus statement or something?


    *shoots cannon again, hits the sun, and the sun supernovas... shrouding the world in an eternal darkness where people can't see food to eat it. Then uses the power of fluffy to make a new sun, 10,000 times more powerful, because it is the power of a Fluffy.*

  13. The reject tele-tubbies? *shivers* The ones that made the cut are bad enough... I can hardly imagine what the reject teletubbies would be like. Ah, yes... me and my trusty cannon that fires at... something. We will serve you well.


    *fires at... something else, which shrinks to a microscopic size... then explodes with atomic force, which vaporizes the thing that was going to engulf the world -- which wouldn't have done anyone who wanted to take over the world any good anyway.*

  14. Great... I sent you an official request, just so you know. Can't have enough messages, you know.


    *fires cannon at... uh... something. Something that was evil, dark, and cunning. Something that absorbed the power of the cannon and would grow to an enormous size and eventually engulf all the world in darkness. And it stepped on m3l3ana*

  15. Hey... speaking of cannons (this is so neat. I can actually connect a topic) ...I was trying to get some advice on my battledome equipment. I made a post, but I seem to be lacking responses. You guys seem awfully eager to cause mayhem and destruction. You think you could take a look at it and let me know what you think?




    *uses some toilet paper off of his cannon* Ahh... I'm fresh now.

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