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Posts posted by didosmom

  1. In my Psychology class today, my teacher was teaching us about motivation, and the workings behind it. At one point, he asked us to talk about our biggest motivations, or motivators.


    So, I decided to come on here and ask all of you: What motivates you? Is it a person, an outcome, or something completely different? For example, someone might say that their biggest motivation is staying healthy, because they want to live for a long time.


    For me, my biggest motivator is my mom. Her expectations of me motivate me to do my best, because I hate disappointing her.


    Your turn! :D


    Hi Sara! Just like you, my motivation when I was still a student was my mom. She did so much to help me grow as a person and I always wanted to exceed her expectations. Now that I'm the mom, my motivation has become my kids. I want them to have the kind of mom that I had. It's not easy, especially now that they're still young and difficult at times... ok, most of the time... but I try anyway :D

  2. My pet chia turned into a kiko! so much for my dream of it turning into a pea chia and EVENTUALLY.... some day.... getting the Suap avatar. Oh well.


    Same thing happened to me a while back Judy. I adopted a yellow grundo (applepiegile) from the pound and was planning on zapping him like crazy to get an orange grundo. He turned into a lupe, then a poogle, then a mynci. He's now a mutant mynci. I zapped him today and he changed color to.... MUTANT! :S

  3. @Kiri - I know a couple of people with SuAPs but one doesn't lend and the other only lends via the boards he makes so I won't post his name. Your best bet is to just make boards on the AC and hope someone sees you and thinks they can trust you lol


    @TheUnknown and didosmom - We do one day hope to have a Draik and a Krawk to lend. However, with current prices... its unlikely to be anytime soon. They're around 9-10 mil each these days.


    Also, we have to replace the items for lending before we even think about saving for morphing potions ;) With the current rate of donations thats going to be years all on its own. Most of what we have comes from the TDN Staff, not the members unfortunately. Since we reopened the ALP member donations have totaled about 500k, while the donations from five or six of the staff now total over 3.5 million from just them. We are getting close to a new ZDAP though!

    Oh, I didn't realize the donations (from the members) were so slow! :* *scurries over to tdnalp to buy some more sand* Cmon you guys, lets help each other out! We can't let the TDN staff do all the work!

  4. Just wondering, with the lab ray and all, do you eveer intend on having a Draik and/or Kwark lending chain?


    That would really be nice if we had a draik or krawk *dreams* How much are Draik eggs and Krawk TPs worth now? We can save up for them, don't you think?

  5. Hello there! I'm Elaine. Welcome to TDN! I've been playing neopets for over a year but I'm still kinda new here. I don't get online regularly but I try to get to know the new ones when I can. Feel free to PM me if you need anything. Always glad to help. ^_^

  6. First born kids... ;-)

    That's a riot that Ella and Miguel have their parents wrapped around their fingers. If they join forces, you guys are going to be in SUCH trouble... lol

    Luis, obedient? Good luck. I haven't had any. :) As soon as he gets past the fragile stage, I am sure he will pick up trade secrets from his siblings. Isn't it fun? I LOVE having a big family!


    When my oldest was in middle school, a kid in her class said "with so many siblings, your parents sure must like to have s*x a lot", so she looks at him and says "do you REALLY think your parents have only done it THREE times???" :*


    Hahaha! That's precious! :laughingsmiley:


    I don't know what we're gonna do when they do join forces! We're already outnumbered!

  7. There's a site theme available if you collected items from the Advent Calendar. The exact solution is unknown, but if you don't miss a day, you have better chance to unlock it on the last day.


    I haven't ventured to the AC page yet, because everybody said it's glitched. We will update you if it works by the end of the day, but so far it's not the case, unfortunately.


    Thanks for the info. I just checked right now and its still glitched. Sigh. I guess I won't be getting it today.

  8. It is a Bug, everyone who collected there prize today did not receive there gift NOR saw the animation. I recommend to send the staff a complaint (Neostaff) But they have already collected one from about everyone on the the site, so The error should be fixed eventually.


    I just hope they fix it soon (like in an hour!). I don't think I'll be able to log in again for the rest of the day. Are they really giving out an advent banner if you get all the advent calendar giveaways? I think I read that in the neoboards a while back.

  9. Random avatars seem to not like me! *sniff* The only one I've gotten is the Sloth one. No snowager, no lever of doom, no Kelp, no Symol. I'm currently working on the LOD and Kelp. My account is already over a year old and I try daily but still nothing! I'm getting poorer by the minute! :S

  10. I've experienced living in both and I suppose the best way to answer your question for me is that it depends on whether you have kids or not. When I was single and even when married and had no kids, the apartment was great. It was small, easy to clean, and most shops are just either in the building or down the street. It was really convenient. But when we started having kids (we have 4 now), living in an apartment was just out of the question (can you imagine the noise of 4 kids all under the age of 8?) :woot: So we moved to a house and the kids have their space to run around and make noise. Its a bit harder to maintain but I'm beginning to enjoy having my own garden ^_^

  11. Me too Elaine! My guild is a lovely one, but we are down to about 4 active members, all moms. one single dad who gets on occasionally, though it's posted as an adult guild, not a moms guild. I like it, but I also like the chit-chat here. a bit less restrictive, as long as you get used to not double posting/bumping or overly short posts. Those had me a bit concerned, too easy to mess up! gulp!


    TJ, I sort of missed your post I think (or have you changed your name?)... I lived in Pittsburgh for a year, that makes us practically neighbours! ;)


    so, anyone else want to brag about their kids? :-D

    I have 8 biological kids, ages 22-(almost, as he keeps telling me) 9. My oldest is my daughter,in New Jersey working and the next daughter is married. 18 year old twin boys who will be going to the army (gulp gulp!!) in the near future, my foster boy is 16, my next boy is 15, then two girls 13.5 & 12, the next foster boy (brothers) is 11 and my little guy. Phew! That was exhuasting. I have to go lie down now and rest. hahaha


    That's an amazing line-up Judy! Congratulations (on surviving, hahaha!)

    I'm in a guild for moms too. We're about 42, with around at least 20 truly active members. A lot of us are avatar collectors too so it's double purpose (sharing mom tips and secrets and helping each other out with the avies).


    My eldest son, Diego, is 7 and is in grade 2 but he thinks he's already an adult! :rolleyes_anim: He considers the smaller ones as "kids"! The second is my only daughter, Ella. She's really sweet but is very good at manipulating adults (especially her dad!). The third is 2-yr old Miguel, who everyone calls a male version of Ella. Looks and manipulates just like her (but it's me who's the weakling this time!). The youngest is Luis, only 6 weeks old. He was born very premature so he's still very fragile-looking. He's my only chance to have an obedient child (hahahaha!).


    I usually get to play neopets and log in to TDN in the wee hours of the morning after he's fed and I'm too awake to go back to sleep. Its 4 am now and I have to start making breakfast in an hour. Just enough time to check mail and do my neo dailies. See ya!

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