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Posts posted by -Ryan

  1. You can't tell until the hatchling grows wings, then veiw it and it will say it's gender below the name I beleive.


    And you can't get crossbreeds.


    And there's no set number of veiws and clicks a dragon needs to grow up. It's random for each one. I've seen an adult with 3 clicks before but i've also seen a dead egg with 20 clicks.




    Look at that hatchling. It's an alt yet it's parents are a mint and a normal black dragon... How does that work? 0_o


    HEY WAIT! This means you can get alt. black without breeding two normal blacks. :O

  2. I got some new eggs. And my other 3 hatched. Oh and about that dead hatchling, that wasn't an accident, it was just my failed attempt at a zombie dragon xD.




    And can someone post the link to the veiwing thread please? This dumb software my dad installed thinks there's an innapropriate word on the first page and won't let me go there -_-'.

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