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Posts posted by WEVIL

  1. WEVIL here again, reviving an old topic I made months ago that was also hot back then.


    Illegal Immigration, the illegal crossing of immigrants into our country without passports and other required visas, is a very debated topic throughout America today.


    State your views for now, and lets see what fiery debates we can spark up!


    STATE WHY YOU SUPPORT YOUR VIEW. Plz lets show some reason while we debate.

  2. The fact that your statement claims all gays want to marry simply to adopt children is childish within itself.


    Wanting to adopt children is hardly the reason why gays want the same rights as every other American (aside from the fact that it is supposed to be granted to us via the Constitution; all Americans are to be treated equal)


    I don't want children and I know PLENTY of gay couples who don't either. Some may want to adopt or have children but there are over 1,400 rights that come with marriage; that is what we want. Call it what you want, I don't care if it's marriage or a civil union, I just want the rights which are given to every other American. I am not a 2nd class citizen, so I should not be treated like one.


    Children will face being made fun of for any and every aspect of their life, their parents and etc.


    I would also like to point out that it's not always the case that heterosexual parents can affectively raise their children. So I see no basis to your argument.


    Just sounds like you have an incorrect view as to why gays want the rights that come with marriage and you feel heterosexual parents are perfect (though I assume you will admit they aren't, but apparently their 'screw ups' are not as bad as homosexual parents') If you didn't intend to say that, you should re-word your last statement.


    Woa now, whatever happened to respecting a point of view buddy? I never said heterosexual parents are perfect. Sorry if I forgot to mention that but I did recall mentioning that YES hmosexual chidlren can live normal lives and the same lives as children under heterosexual parents. Ill just respond to all your paragraphs in a little list.


    You and your PLENTY of gay couples does not count as the majority of America. There are gay couples in America who marry for the right of adopting whic his one of the 1400 rights that come with marriage. Also, because I am such an uninformed fool as you say, I don't know any of these 1400 rights that come with marriage. Can you state a few for me and cite your source for this number?


    Yes Children will face being made fun of all their life. But, trying to ignore that as nothing and that it is just a regular part of life can be a mistake. You see children turning suicidal all the times these days due to pressure from other kids. Some go hurt other people. Columbine and that recent shooting in that other school are examples. I am not saying that every kid under a gay parent would go shoot people in his school but do you know how much a child can take, how sensitive he might be? Being made fun of constantly in life is not something that is to be overlooked as a mere fact of life. Weve made that mistake before and other children paid for it. How do you know if that extra pressure from having homosexual parents will be the final push the child needs to go over the edge?


    For your whole heterosexual parents arent perfect deal, look at first paragraph because I totally agree with you (like you said I would) because I never said they were. But you can't say that the majority of heterosexual parents beat their children or abuse them or whatnot and are terrible parents. That is what your argument is based on; that heterosexual parents abuse their child and so are worse parents than gay parents. NOT TRUE. And also, couldn't gay parents perform the same rash actions? Just because they are gay doesn't mean they cant make the same mistakes. And that still in no way ruins the basis of my argument because of course not all heterosexual parents are perfect and neither are homosexual parents.


    My only proposal is that you state for the uneducated likes of me about some of the 1400 rights you recieve from marriage. Thanks.


    PS I love this debate, so no hard feelings k?

  3. PS, Borat the movie kinda slanders the Gay community of America. Anyone seen the movie and agree with this?


    Um, obviously, and it slanders almsot everything in America which is supposed to make it funny but not the point.


    I have nothing against gay people. It's their right, I respect that. HOWEVER, I do not support gay marriage or civil unions. I am definetley not a religious man and am atheist. However, I believe that gays marry in order to adopt a child thereafter. YES, a child under gay parents CAN function as well as a child with heterosecual parents. HOWEVER, is this always the case? I think not. Admit, this world is not perfect. Not everyone in America looks at everyone equally. Racial discrimination is said to have been dissolved a long time ago... But I see plenty of students and even adults constantly making fun of, looking down upon Blacks, Asians, Indians, and other races. I am Asian myself and I have experienced this first hand.


    Same applies for children with gay parents. People don't look at them the same way or treat them the same way. A child who has parents that are gay although are accepted by a few, are rejected by many. I believe that chances are that a child will be able to interact more in his childhood if he is raised by heterosexual parents in stead of gay ones therefore wish to make gay marriage illegal.


    I know I am a minority here and that I have very few supporters but I firmly believe in this view. Disagree with my view? Say why instead of flaming me like some immature 5 year old child and I will be happy to oblige you.

  4. I think it's more of a mind your own business sort of thing. If you don't agree with it, fine (nor do I, to an extent) but it's not the governments place to tell a woman what she can and cannot do. Especially when it's mostly males making the 'decisions'.


    Again read my post where I comment on the huge role men should play in deciding an abortion and now you are belittling women by stating that women have no power in government? Women make plenty of choices in the government and if you know the American system of government, no decisions are made by one person or a small group of people but is affected by nearly every person who has a position in government such as Hillary Clinton (HATE HER) and Condi Rice.


    Also, an aborted baby is killed before it comes out the womb so you can't really say whether a fetus will be able to survive if it somehow comes out of the mother. A fetus is not much different from a very premature baby in its functions. So, I assume that it will be able to surive A VERY SHORT amount of time once outside the mother so once again your definition for a human being becomes erroneous.


    You said that childbirth is the closest thing to death? Yea, and I'm sure abortion is SOOOO much safer. Some abortion procedures, crush the head of the baby to get it out of the mother's uterus, others inject chemicals into the womb to kill the baby then pry it out, and the MOST COMMON procedure is VACUUMING the fetus out of the womb. Vacumming it out. Now all these abortions have risksdeath being one of them. So i don't know how you can justify that abortion is safer than childbirth when you are vacuuming something from inside of your body to outside your uterus...

  5. ok my page long post on abortion magically didn't get posted. :( It was a good post too. Oh well.


    Now you guys are saying a fetus is not a human being because it cant live outside the mothers body. Well a newborn bay sure cant survive alone after being born. It has to stay in a hospital for weeks then has to be cared for years in order to make sure it doesnt die. Premature babies, considered human beings, but also fetuses that came out of the mother sometimes even a month before its supposed to cannot survive at all outside the mothers body. The premature baby will die in hours if it is left alone to the outside world. So is a premature baby also not a human? I think not! You stab that baby, it is murder and you get jail time, no question about it. So isn't classifying anything that cant live in the outside world by itself not a human being sort of a terrible definition?


    Personally, I don't see how everyone voicing their opinions on this matter and making the final say tend tobe men. Men truly have no say in this, it should be the women.


    That personally to me is THE MOST ridiculous statement I have ever heard. Men should not voice their opinion on abortion? So now what you are saying is that this child is not the fathers but only the mothers. The father can have absolutely no say in the matter to decide whether his child should live or die. That's great, and women say men don't have enough rights, look waht youre trying to do to men here. Make them have absolutely no power in determining whether he will have a son to play catch with or a girl to drive to her graduation in the future. Absolutely preposteruous.




    Now i'll try to repost my previous disappearing post on abortion. It was a reply to all the discussion about rape and abortion due to it.


    Rape: A pro-abortionist's ace of spades, his trump card, his ace in the hole. What seems to stop anti-abortionists in their tracks. How can you possibly force a mother to concieve a child that was made by a man she has never seen, interacted with, and for obivous reasons, hates?


    Most anti-abortionists reply with the "Every baby deserves a life" spheal and although I agree with this point of view, I thought of another reason that a baby due to rape should never be aborted. If a mother wishes to abort this baby, what is her motive? She does not want to conceive a child? Well, women who participate in unsafe sex and get pregnant usually choose to concieve a chidl because she doesn't want to kill it. (Those who do abort their child are cruel and disgusting human beings that use abortion as birth control and is unexcusable, but not the point). So why won't a women who is raped do the same?


    Your probably screaming at your computer, "BECAUSE SHE WAS FORCED TO HAVE S*X (idk if your aloud to say that in here) WITH A MAN SHE NEVER KNEW!" And that is exactly my point. Stay with me here because it gets confusing. This acknowledges the fact that a woman who is raped aborts a child because of the father she was forced to "do it" with. Do you know what that makes this abortion? A murder of pure revenge. Lets not talk about whether it is considered murder because the chidl is or is not a human being. Lets ignore that for now. What I am saying is that an abortion becomes you killing a potential life out of pure spite for its father. Don't we all cringe when we hear of a mother who kills her children out of spite after her husband marrys another woman because the children remind her so much of their father? (Medea and Jason in Greek mythology, for an example)


    I know its just a myth but when you read the passage it doesn't make you jump up with joy. So isn't this what a raped mother is doing to her child? Killing it due to her hate toward its father and therefore revenge instead of an act to protect herself. The mother feels no remorse for killing this child and is therefore committing cold murder.


    Bleq, now that I actaully write this out on paper, the argument is mostly physcological so is therefore a weak argument but I hope it adds a little more variety toward abortion due to rape than the usual answers you recieve.

  6. Global warming is a myth made up by liberal leaders to keep the electorate scared and continuing to vote for liberal agendas.


    The Earth has been warming up and cooling down on its own for millions of years. There have been ice ages and heat waves. Last I heard there were no industry or cars during these times.


    But, yes, trees are nice. smile.gif


    You sir are my god. It would be nice to have a nice chat with you on the corruption of the liberal party. But definitely well put.

  7. i think it is solely up to the mother


    one again (like i stated in my first post) I'd really appreciate that you support you opinion with a little bit more reason. :(


    Oh well. Any other pro-abortioners out there? Come on and post. I don't bite. (Just rip and tear to shreds :P)

  8. while I would never consider abortion myself, I think that it is a womans right to choose - no further comments tongue.gif


    But is it a woman's right to choose whether the baby inside her that she has should live or die? Is it her choice to decide whether the baby deserves to live in the world or die in an empty womb of fluid? I don't think so. I think that a mother should not be allowed to go through with an abortion and kill an innocent life.

  9. I had a topic on this months ago and it seems to have dissapeared. So I shall bring it BACK.


    Abortion, one of the most touchiest topics in America today. Whats your opinion? Legalize? or Ban?


    This was a hot topic back then and lets hope it gets even hotter. Post and debate away!!!


    Please support your decision with some evidence or support. Don't go "I hate abortion is bad and is for stupid people" backup your view with some reasons. Thanx!

  10. I think that even considering English as America's sole language is racist and show's the person's stupidity. America is meant to be " land of the free,democracy and all that" isn't it?


    You know what I think is stupid? People who want to live in America and call themselves citizens when they cant even speak English. Those are the stupid people in this country. English should definitely be the official language of the US. It doesn't mean its the SOLE language you fool. It just recognizes that English is the primary language of the US. I believe there should be some sort of law to make people learn English.


    Like I always say,

    "Welcome to America, NOW LEARN TO SPEAK ENGLISH!"

  11. I swear some people...

    I love debating this with various people including non-Christians. I'm atheist by the way.


    Ok Lets get one thing down. When the author said at the beginning of the book, that all events in this book are fiction and any resemblence of character names to real people is coincedence, THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT EVERYTHING ABOUT DAVINCI IS FALSE. It just means that a guy wasn't shot in the Lourve and had a pentacle engraved into his body and that someone didn't try to shove their knee through one of Leonardo's paintings.


    Now a lot of debate and research has been gone throguh because of this book but what people should study is not the Da Vinci Code but the Holy Blood, Holy Grail book created as a joint effort by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh. Dan Brown basically used their idesas to create a fictional story that became immensely popular and spread the theory to the public. Dan Brown was nearly sued by the two authors for using their book but got off with no charges. Evidence of his use of their work can be seen in the name of one of the main characters in the story, Leigh Teabing. Leigh for Richard Leigh and Teabing for Michael Baigent as Teabing is Baigent rearragned. Neat isnt it...


    Now onto the main topic. Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh spent a decade researching on the topic of the Holy Grail and came up with extraordinary results and theories. I refuse to explain into detail about all their work but a great History channel feature was on all about their book and its theories and is an incredible source of information for both believers and non-believers. It explains all about the Priory of Sion and other proposed ideas and if you have the time, pick up the Holy Blood, Holy Grail book yourself at a local bookstore and read the original idea.


    What Dan Brown introduced into his novel that Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh did not was the incorporation of Da Vinci and his paintings as mroe proof to the whole scandal of the Bible. Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh do not support these ideas of Dan Brown's but they are interesting nontheless. You cant ignore the ghastly similarity of the disciple next to Jesus of a woman. And how is it that the two figures are positioned so awkwardly yet so perfectly in order to form a significant V? Also, in the original painting of the Last Supper, there is definitely a floating hand that holds a knife in the painting right behind Judas who as most people know betray Jesus. It's all very interesting and after reading the whole Da Vinci Code and Holy Blood, Holy Grail, you cant help but think and ponder.


    Now for all you devout Catholics out there, you can't just dismiss this whole story and theory as false without even glancing at it. The whole theory is a facinating one whether you are religious or not and while these men try to debunk a huge part of the Bible, they do more research into the religion than most devout Catholics or Christians in the world. They do not spawn their ideas out of thin air and imagination, they support their beliefs with huge amounts of evidence.


    If you haven't even read the Holy Blood, Holy Grail and the Da Vinci Code and grasped all that they have to say, I believe that you shouldn't even be posting in this topic or talk about how stupid the theory is.


    My last word on this topic, I don't wish to persuade you to believe, but at least persuade you to try two incredible pieces of literature that will make your head spin and twirl.

  12. My first post in like months and I'm ready to create havoc!


    First, humans should definitely be allowed to farm, hunt, and eat animals.

    Meat is a huge part of nearly everyone's diet despite the large population of vegetarians out there the majority of people in America is meat-eaters. You cant just tell them to stop farming the meat that millions of people eat everyday. This argument goes with the eating part. Theres just so many people that eat meat and you cant really help that. And honestly, its just a cow or pig your eating, not a human. For hunting, hunting is an essential part of controlling animal population. Yes, hunting can get out of hand sometimes and can lead to endangered species but without regular but controlled hunting of some animals, an overpopualtion of these animals would result and serious consequences would ensue. Hunting allows us to control the population and prevents there from being a nest of racoons in every trash can on the street and there from being hundreds of deer in the middle of every interstate highway that has woods next to it.


    I believe that animals should be used for sports an entertainment although it also depends on what sport you are speaking of. Hunting animals is definitely a worldwide sport. They even have seperate channels for events such as deer,duck, moose, and other forms of hunting. If you are trying to outlaw such sports where animals are forced to fight each other agaisnt their will, then yes this is a sport that should be banned. Problem is that these kinds of sports are already banned but still occur throughout America because there is no form of security to enforce the law and find these illegal organizations and no matter how hard it is to accept, this is the truth.


    Animals SHOULD DEFINETLEY be used for drug testing. Absolutley no question about it. Why? Because it's to help us. You might be saying, "But what about the little animals that we use these drugs on?" I'm sorry but if you want to approach scientific advancement with that point of view, nothing would ever get done. Lab animals are an essential part of science and one lab rat can save millions of human lives. Its either them or us.


    My final two cents on this discussion is that althogh animals have minds of their own, they are animals and we are humans. Organizations like PETA (which I despise with a passion) wish to make America a place where animals are of more importance than humans and would rather kill a human being then an animal. This I believe is going overboard and although I don't want to sound heartless. Humans > Animals. That's it. If I had to kill all the cute little puppies, cats, cows, and any other cute-looking animal in the world to save a human being, I would not hesitate and make the choice to save the human.


    Jeez that was a long post, I'll proofread this but that's all on what I think of this issue. :D

    FLAME ME! :D

  13. Isn't this like the Lost Desert Mystery where you had to find out all this stuff about what people ate? (Forgot what it was called at the moment). Also, if you are supposed to be listening to the people's accounts, wouldn't Hoban have fell off the boat at 6? Because someone said that they saw Hoban at 5 and 6 is the only time left to choose after 5 o clock. Just wondering.

  14. How to do it in a surgery is what I aim for. I'm just worried about screwing up and getting sued and whatnot. Sort of a risky profession. Oh well it's better than being a surgeon. My friends grandma was haing surgery and her doctor screwed up and made her get naotehr surgery because of hte screw up and I'm like you know you could sue him for that and my friend's like my grandma said that would be mean. I wish all the patients I get are like that! :D

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