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Posts posted by WEVIL

  1. Ah maybe I still have a chance to post here...


    I understand the whole community being ripped apart worry but I believe that aside from a few people the debate forum is a great place to discuss opinions and vouch for or against them. The debate sections of the forums here at TDn is really the only reason I stay here because its great to argue with some intelligent people once in a while. Yes sometimes it does get out of hand (even I lose my cool sometimes and forget common courtesy) but I believe a group of moderators (not 1 i think thats a bit too little) will be able to keep this in control and help the debate forums from becoming a forum for flaming others.

  2. No Fuzio is not against abortion because he still believes in pro-choice instead of pro-life. This is obviously seen by the fact that he says government should not regulate abortion so therefore making it legal. He might be against a women havign an abortion but still feels women should be allowed to make the choice while i believe abortion is wrong and that the government should immediatley regulate it by bannnig it in america PERIOD. There is a huge difference between Fuzio's point of view and mine.

  3. You're the fool. You don't need a website to know that women have a better chance of dying during childbirth than men!


    That makes no sense we never said women dont have a higher chance of dying than a man in childbirth. A man doesnt even go throguh childbirth... Wow. We just said a women has a hgiher chance of dying fro mabortion and not childbirth.

  4. I swear you people are fools. Idk how you possibly say we should not be debating whether abortion is safe or not. I think determining whether a procedure has a high chance of KILLING you , is very important in deciding whther we should legalize it or not. I swear how else do you possibly defend a viewpoint?


    You think the website's biased? Find a website that says a women has a higher chance of dying from childbirth than abortion. Plz find a credible webstie that states that. K? THANX. Abortion is not safer than childbirth so abortion should be banned.


    If a women has an affair? HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY SUPPORT THAT SHE HAS AN ABORTION? Now your just using abortion as a birth control so that people don't have to take responsibility for their actions and its consequence. A women has an affair or unsafe sex and she gets pregnant. She just turns to abortion and now has a new form of birth control so she doesn't have to worry about that stupid decision she made and just killed a baby. Nice taking responsibility.


    That makes no sense Fuzio. How about you reread your post? How do you possibly say that the government should not be allowed to regulate abortion BUT STILL SAY it should not be LEGAL? THAT MEANS THE GOVERNMENT IS REGULATING ABORTION FOR WOMEN. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ENGLISH? Restate your point of view so it actually makes sense instead of contradicting yourself.

  5. Death from abortion 4 times more likely than death from childbirth... There you go. End of story no way you can say childbirth is more dangerous than abortion. The list of complications is long and has diseases such as hissi cancer. Now how is childbirth mreo dangerous than that?

  6. Okay, for those of you unaware; it is a well-known fact that for the mother, child birth is the closest she comes to death. For the mother, abortion is not more dangerous than child birth. I still don't see why this is even being discussed, what does it matter how safe it is? We should be debating rather it should be legal or not.


    Now, if I have to explain this again, I'm sure I'll explode. Just because I said 'most' people who are discussing this topic are men does not mean women have little say in this. I'm questioning WHY are most of the people, in the public eye, discussing this issue men? Women should have the only say on this issue, in my opinion. Yes, ultimately men will play a factor in future decisions but this issue deals with women's rights. To me, it's like having a straight person make decisions on gay rights. Rather stupid.


    When it comes to using the phrase 'twisting my words', do you expect me to only say it once? When I attempt to describe what you're doing, should I use different forms of describing it, that way I don't use the same explanation more than once? Don't see why it matters.


    I think it's gotten a little out of hand.


    And as proof to your twisting of my words. I never said the government should legalize abortion. Not once, I would love to see where you got that. What I DID say was that I am against abortion, but I feel the government has no right regulating rather a woman can have an abortion or not.


    I'd love to hear where you got this so WELL-KNOWN FACT from. Idk how childbirth which occurs nearly every mintue in the world is somehow safer than abortion where, like I stated before, complicated and gruesome procedures are performed on the motehr to kill a child. Vacumming out the fetus, usign lethal chemicals, etc. etc. So how is it a WELL KNOW FACT that abortion is safer than childbirth?


    Yes you are going to have to explain this again, now you are saying that only woman shoudl have the say on abortion. Let me show you how deluded a fact this is. If you ever go into a court case when a woman is a victim of a crime, do you see only women as the jury? No. You see a nearly equal amount of men and women as part of jury. If you had the jury al lcomposed of women, there would be a ridiculous bias toward the case and would be immediatley appealed. Same goes for abortion. You cant have only women deciding on the issue because that leaves out the opinion of the men who has a right to influence the decision whether his potential child should be born or not. Therefore, it is impossible to not let men have a say on abortion.


    Yes I expect you to not use "twisting my words" because I obviously never do and whenever you try to show proof of me "twisting your words" IT NEVER WORKS.


    Idk how you possibly have a point of view like this. You say that the government should NOT legalize abortion but a women still deserves to decide whether she should have an abortion or not? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? A COMPLETE PARADOX RIGHT THERE! The government should ban abortion but somehow still let women have abortion? I really think you need to clarify your point of view because you are just constantly contradicting yourself.


    Therefore, I am not twisting your words because you seem to be the one twisting them around in your own mouth. Whenever I rebut something you are obviously trying to support, you say something completely different that contradicts your original point of view and then accuse me of "TWISTING YOUR WORDS". Find a view to support instead of pointing your finger at me just because you cant seem to stop contradciting yourself.

  7. We didn't come here to start a war okay? Stop fighting. I find that childish.


    You already said that in your previous post and once was enough. And why do you quote my above text when your reply has absolutley nothing to do with it? How dare you call me childish when all you seem to be doing is saying the same thing over and over again with your whole "Stop trying to debate with Fuzio". All I'm trying to do is have a sensible debate and I don't know how you find that childish in anyway.

  8. Whunk? I believe that we MUST let them stay, if we dont, we'll only have half as much stuff to waste money on! They make up a good majority of America's workforce! I NEED MY JUNK! *Foams at mouth*


    Um, sort of confused by what you meaa by the first part of your post but regarding that they make up a good majority of America's workforce, it is true that illegal immigrants make up a large part of that workforce. However, this is because illegal immigrants work for such lower wages than regular American workers. Therefore, these illegal immigrants, who shouldn't even be in the country, steal these jobs from the lower class Americans who really need and deserve the job and money.

  9. No, what you're doing to taking what I say into extreme literal terms and reading beyond what I've actually said. Thus, twisting my words. I never said 'abortion should be the choice because it's safer than childbirth.' If you notice, I'm against abortion but I don't feel the government has a right to regulate what a woman can and cannot do with her body.


    Also, I never said men are the only people debating and deciding on this issue. How about YOU learn to read?


    Again, you're being very childish. "I support my view better than yours. neener neener neener". Honestly. Instead of reading further into what I say and twisting things, clear your mind and then read.


    Lol wow, it looks like you're starting to run out of ideas?


    You say that I am taking your writing literally. OF COURSE I AM. What do you want me to do analyze it figuratively and read your mind and find out what you really wanted to say? Maybe just post more clearly instead of just saying I'm "twisting" your words. (You've used that same word way too many times by the way)


    Again you said the same thing as you did in the above post in that you said you didnt post that childbirth was safer than abortion. If you scroll up and look what you posted, you shall see that you posted that childbirth is the closest a women gets to death. Now is it just me or is this saying that childbirth can very likely cause a women to die? closest to death? What else could it mean? That childbirth is perfectly safe and that a woman is in no danger? Therefore you are obviously saying that childbirth is the MOST dangerous because it is the CLOSEST a woman can get to death. This is what you posted so how can you deny it? If you worded it incorrectly than just say so instead of trying to back up something that your obviously wrong on.




    You also said that "My 'men' statement was that most people doing the debating on this issue are men. Most of the people who decide on issues like this are men." So you are saying that women have very little choice in this matter. Because MOST of the people debating on this issue are men and MOST of the people deciding are men. THE DEFINITION OF MOST. This is where you are wrong. Women probably voice their opinion as much as men if not even more than men on the topic of abortion and are a large part of the people who vote on abortion. How can you possibly know and even assume that men make MOST of the decision on abortion?


    Finally, I belive I did not post "I support my view better than yours. neener neener neener". I posted "How about you stop acting so "childish" by trying to deny everything that you posted and stop accusing me of "twisting" your words just because I seem to be able to support my view better than yours..."


    Now in your definition you are now acting "CHILDISH" and you are "TWISTING MY WORDS" by "LOOKING FURTHER THAN WHAT I SAID" (because did I put neener neener neener? No). Also you said I look at your posts literally. But now you said in your last paragraph I look further than what you said which means that I don't take your posts literally enough.


    Seems like just a lot of plain contradictions in your posts. And don't even try to use me using "childish and twisting" against me because you are the one who first decided to post those words to describe me.


    Now try to get off the topic of trying to deny what you obviously said and try to think of new reasons to support why the government should allow abortion. K? Thanx.

  10. Oh, so a man can and a woman can't? I think that's just sexist.


    I don't even know what to say anymore. I say one thing and you guys somehow pick a random thought out of the air to try to use against me.


    Did I say a man is allowed to decide for a child to have an abortion? Did I? Please quote me where I said that when I said this WHOLE TIME that abortion should be banned. Are you 5 years old? Please think before you post!


    I also love how you decide not to comment on the more important part of my post that came before that sentence but whatever.

  11. They were considering Chess as an Olympic Sport..


    See, Chess is a sport where you sit down and play a game. Also, sports such as Curling isnt very intense or exciting activity and you sweep ice with a broom but it is still considered a sport. Video Gaming is just as intense and probably even more intense as curling and also takes a lot of skill. Vidoe gaming takes also a lot of mental processing. If you ever see pro Coutnerstrike players as a team paly, they plan out strategies, they practice them constantly, memorize plays and spots, its a tough thing to handle. So why can't video games be considered a sport?

  12. Dude,why are you just making the same topics over and over again?


    Because all the old topcs got deleted got deleted.


    My dad became a citizen a few motnhs ago and so did I about a week ago. It was a long process but after living in America and passing the test I finally recieved citizenship. Now why cant all illegal immigrants do that? People try to support illegal immigrants by saying its a free coutnry and we should let them come. Obviously you completely missed the whole point of the "free country" idea and if we did let everyone who wanted to come to America in, we'd have a food and housing shortage within 5 years. Even ouu system as it is is so lenient and illegal immigrants have no right to take advantage of it and steal from our country. You want to live in America? Immigrate here with a visa and get a green card instead off hopping our borders and taking advantage of our country.

  13. Honestly, your 'debates' on numerous topics are becoming more apparent that you're acting childish and twisting things people are saying.


    I never said abortion is safer than having a child. I simply stated a fact, that child birth is the closest to death a woman comes during her life.


    My 'men' statement was that most people doing the debating on this issue are men. Most of the people who decide on issues like this are men. I never said women have no power in government. Why don't you read what I've typed instead of twisting things. This isn't the first time you've twisted what I've said.


    Like I've said before, I personally don't agree with having an abortion but the government has no right telling a woman what she can and cannot do with her own life and her own decisions.


    Closest- Which means that nothing else is closer to death. The very definition of the -est suffix. That means that nothing else will bring a woman closer to death, which means it is very dangerous, than childbirth. How is that not saying abortion is not the closest thing to death therefore safer than childbirth? Idk unless I've been using my -est suffix the wrong way my whole life.


    How do you possibly know men are the only people debating on this issue. LIKE I SAID IN THE PREVIOUS POST, people such as Hillary Clinton and Condi Rice voice their opinions and influence the decisons that are made not only on abortion but on nearly every political topic too. How about you read what I type and stop denying what you obviously did type.


    A woman has no right to tell a child whether it can live or not live so therefore abortion should not be permitted.


    How about you stop acting so "childish" by trying to deny everything that you posted and stop accusing me of "twisting" your words just because I seem to be able to support my view better than yours...

  14. Yes, humans are "animals" scientifically speaking; however, animals such as dogs, cats, wild animals are NOT smarter than us, or are they? If you are in a car accident, your car crashes into a lake and you begin to sink. Your dog is with you and only one of you can be saved. Would you save your dog?


    Lol good scenario. PETA of course in thsi situation would go save the dog claiming that you should be able to fend for yourself more than the dog. Such a bad organization but anyways. Yes animals are not humans and should never be considered equal to humans because in all honesty I really believe that they never will be.

  15. Ah E-Sports...


    Alot of you may be saying, what's E-Sports? Well, E-Sports is Electronic gaming which is basically professional video gaming? Professional video gaming? Yes there is such a thing and in my view is a sport. A lot of people do not realize how huge E-Sports is becoming throughout the world. Whether it be in Counterstrike, Quake, or Halo, international video game tournaments are held throughout the world at an amazing rate. A good exmple would be the CPL Winter 2006 Championships going on in Dallas Texas for both Counterstrike and Quake.


    The fame of E-Sports is spreading. tv.gotfrag.com has live streaming of these CPL tournament matches where live coverage of the gamers and their matches are streamed to millions of viewers around the world. Prize money is quite big and sportscaster/announcers are even present at the tournaments explaining the match and what is going on between the teams. MTV even shows Halo matches between professional teams on weekend mornings. 60 Minutes did a special feature on John "Fatality" Wendel, one of the best video gamers in the world a few months ago.


    My question for this debate is this. Even if you are not really sure what the extent of E-Sports is, does it have a future in the world? A future by, will it go anywhere, will it have its own official TV channel, will it be accepted as a viable sport by the world, or will it just continue to be ignored and stay as a small hobby for a large group of people?


    You already know my opinion, whats yours?

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