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Status Updates posted by ~*MidnightMoonFiretail*~

  1. Your YARLY. I'm bored.

  2. I didn't say I wanted to confuser her 0.o

  3. Yeah, I leave it to that...

  4. Interesting, eh? *winks*

    Oh never mind, so what's the issue now?

  5. Nah, sense is perfect sense when you make it make sense.

  6. Where did Mark of Eternity go anyways?

  7. Erm-Or is that just me?

  8. It really makes no sense the way you talk

  9. I better let you take over, you seem to be posting a lot :P

  10. Oh Yeah, I forgot something. Hi.

  11. Of course, it's harder than it looks!

  12. Heh...not sure that that made sense.

  13. One question....how do you change the statement that appears like you have something cheese when you post?

  14. *jabs back* Don't jab or poke me!

  15. Want to be friends? Just wondering.

  16. Hi. LoL. Want to be friends?

  17. Oh Yeah, would you like to be friends?

  18. Wow! Your doing great posting! Good job!

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