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Status Updates posted by Masaryk

  1. I'm happy to have a car again.

  2. Happy birthday, V!!! Hope you have a great day. =)

  3. Happy belated birthday, Spritzie! Sorry I missed it yesterday. I hope you had a good day. Did you do anything fun?

  4. Good to see you back on the forum, Tara! I love to see the old guard return.

  5. Happy birthday! I hope you are having an awesome day.

  6. Finally excited about Yooyuball!

  7. Impatiently waiting for fieldwork to start.

  8. Happy Birthday!

  9. Happy Earth Day!

  10. Got rear-ended in traffic. Whiplash sucks.

  11. Hoping for a snowstorm

  12. I'm kind of late, but happy birthday!

  13. Happy birthday! I hope you're having a good day!

  14. I hope you have a really good day!

  15. Happy Birthday!!!!

  16. No problem! I hope you have a really good day.

  17. Mostly. I didn't have to work today, which was nice. My husband made me steak for supper, then took me out for ice cream! But I had some annoying errands to do, so I didn't get to do some of the things I hoped to do.

  18. Thanks, Spritzie! :)

  19. Hooray for being staff!

  20. Thanks! I am happy to be working on customization now.

    And congrats on becoming a Fantastic Member!

  21. Ziggy's like that too. One of the first pictures I have of Zig is of him stuffed into the box that my Hello Kitty toaster came in. He barely fit in it. (and he'd never fit now!)

  22. Cairo is so adorable! I wish I could hug him.

  23. Thanks! Loki is part Ragdoll, so that might be a breed you would like.

  24. You like Castlevania! :wub_anim:

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