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Posts posted by vicjw

  1. I used to play this on another forum a long time ago. I enjoyed it more than I probably should have. Alas, I claim to be the winner yet again, mwahhahar!



    The smilies on this forum rock!

  2. 1. Are you male, female, or an it? Female

    2. What is your favorite color? Black

    3. What is your favorite food? Pizza topped with chicken tikka and kebab meat...

    4. Occupation? Psychiatric Nurse

    5. Where in the world do you live? (ie: USA, Japan, Canada...) Bonnie Scotland

    6. Do you have hobbies? What are they? I like to knit. Neopets of course. Reading.

    7. Are or aren't you vegetarian? My response to Q3 should tell you I'm deffinetly not.

    8. Are you religious? Agnostic. I want to believe, but I need to see the light ...

    9. What are you wearing right now? My pyjamas. Lazy morning.

    10. Are you bored of this quiz now? No, it's passing time between cups of tea.

    11. Will you keep going? Yes. I like the sense of achievement...

    12. What is your favorite baby girl name? Isobel.

    13. What is your favorite baby boy name? Travis.

    14. Do you plan on getting married? (if you are, just say it) Not in the immediate future, but yeah.

    15. Who do you liiiiike? (C'mon, you KNOW you wanna tell!) My Boyfriend (who looks like this: :hairy:). Robert Downy Jnr. They're not the same person BTW :(

    16. What was your best birthday ever? 22nd May 2005 - I turned 18, champagne for breakfast. The football (soccer) team I support beat the champs!

    17. What was the worst thing that ever happened to you? A relative died when I was abroad, that was bad.

    18. Are you proud of yourself? In many ways, yes, but in others, no.

    19. We're almost done! Are you happy? Aww, I was just getting into it...

    20. All done! Are you absolutely bored to tears? No!!!

  3. Wow thats cool! I didn't know that you got different trophies based on participation. Do they give out a ranking ??? I would like to know where I ranked based on everyone else.


    I'd be really interested to see where I ranked too, because I know I didn't participate too much in the last section of the plot, nor the battledome. I'm really looking forward to having a new trophy, my trophy page looks all sad and boring with very little going on!

  4. I'd be the first to admit that sometimes my accuracy isn't that great, but it's still better than Typing Terror tries to make out it is! I find myself trying to turn my head at impossible angles to work out what some of the words are, and perhaps that's supposed to be part of the 'fun' in the game but it just gets me worked up, resulting in me not playing the game so much!


    Didn't Neopets used to have a typing game that was based on fish that was much easier? Or was that a totally different website altogether? (This is possible, working with people with dementia takes it toll on you, it really does.)

  5. I'm hoping the wonderful people here are TDN will have some helpful tips/advice/guide for Yooyuball. I participated in Altador Cup II and had NO IDEA how to play Yooyu despite searching for some help!


    I randomly chose a team in Altador Cup II (ok, they were pretty poor...) but I'll probably do the same this time round.

  6. *talks about weather*


    Here in Scotland, well, we generally have at least 3 seasons a day. It was raining earlier. We've had gales. At present the sun is out. You never know what you're gonna get.

  7. This was the first plot I've been involved in since the beginning. I'm gonna give it a rating of somewhere in the middle, simply because I enjoyed the thrill of finding out what was coming next, expect the unexpected! I agree with some of the comments above, especially about the under 13s not getting the decoding part, my mind was completely boggled so I have no idea how someone of that age would have completed the step, if not for the trial and error method which was WAY too time consuming.


    The battledome events allowed me to gain a new love for the BD, I really wanna improve my Neopet's stats for future events like this. The last part was a bit of a let down for me, cos when I joined in, steps had been completed already, I was totally confused and like the next day... that part of the plot was over with compared to the other steps which seemed to last a lot longer.


    For those of you who were let down by this plot, I hope the rest of the neopets website kept you going. I've been playing on and off for over 4 years and I'm still finding new stuff to do!

  8. I noticed this glitch yesterday. I rarely use the neoboards, occasionally browsing the Shop Ads board. Most people seemed to have their selected avators but I'd gone back to the default Neopets one.

    So glad my "I <3 sloths" is back now, it's so much prettier. And also, my signature returned to it's usual "..::Eternal Newbie::.." without me having to do a thing. Hope everyone else's is sorted out now!

  9. "Spifftastic - Defeat AAA or Abigail at all 31 games by the end of the Daily Dare's 31st day"


    Wow, in my original post i used the word "spiffy" ... and there is actually a bonus prize with "spiff" in the title, I'm amazed! Thanks for highlighting that _Zafia_


    My high-score for crisis courier is 175 and I cant remember playing the game before, so here goes nothing ... *fingers crossed*


    Oh wait, fingers crossed probably makes playing the game harder, d'oh!

  10. I originally posted this on the NeoBoards but didn't get much of a response.


    I would like my neopet to be more intelligent but I find most of the books out there rather expensive.

    I think it would be cool if the Neopets Team made some sort of library where you could loan books for a price that was reasonable, but like a library, say, limit it to one book per neopet a week or something.

    What are your thoughts?

  11. I've managed to beat Abigail everyday, although I didn't have a chance to be on Neopets on Saturday :( but I've just played to claim the prize. So that means I wont get any spiffy prizes for completing a challenger on the day of release of each game, right? Oh well!

  12. Eek! Part 5... I'm able to do some parts, and baffled by others! In a way i'm greatful that we dont have to complete every section, but if one of the main aims of a plot is to gain as many points as possible I'm fighting a losing battle, cos I sucked at the battledome too!

    Am I the only one that finds non-capped quests pointless? 'Cos I forget that I have a life outside neopets sometimes, sitting there glued to the screen :*

  13. Abigail only for me at the moment, first time I've competed in Daily Dare. I only play a small selection of the games on a regular basis, so if any of those come into the competition, I may be brave enough to take on AAA, but until then, I will pwn abigail...

  14. I used to do a lot of graphics in my spare time but college came along and took that past time away from me! Now college is out the way, I have some more time on my hands. I spent some time creating an image for my sig this morning, I've forgotten some of my Photoshop skills but I'm sure with some tutorials I'll recall! If I create any Neopets related imagery I shall post them below :)

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