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̊ ˉˉ ̊

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Posts posted by ̊ ˉˉ ̊

  1. I was looking up information on Fable 2 a while ago when I found a great comment. I saved a few pictures to my pc, and used vista's snipping tool to have a picture of the comment, and then combined them into this picture:



  2. Here is a little help, the meaning of the word Nedg�'¥ng is not important, what is, is what is related to it, and I have the other picture clue on multiple boards (note: I am getting close to running out of clues that will not easily give the answer away, so less clues will be coming out. This is where helping each other will be effective, so you can see each others ideas and use them to try to get the proper answer.s032.gif)

    NOTE: The final clue is located in here, you just have to find it in all of those posts.


    NEW RIDDLE COMING OUT SOON. This current riddle is closed, the answer was


  3. That would NOT be cheating, I put that video out as a clue, so you can discuss any and all information about it.


    I am also releasing two new clues now:


    Here is one: spinefarmrecords.gif


    The other I put somewhere that you can find if you look for it :bigeyed:

  4. I have created a very hard riddle that anyone can try to complete.

    I will give you a prize if you complete it.

    PM any answers you have to me so that you do not spoil the riddle for others.

    You can ask me questions and help each other to solve the riddle here.

    I will eventually give out slight clues.

    The answer to the riddle is one word, and all letters are in CAPS, also there may be one symbol.

    Here is the riddle:



    0100 1101

    0100 0001

    0100 1100

    0100 1100

    0100 0101

    0101 0100

    0100 0001

    0101 0010

    0100 1101

    0100 1000

    0100 1111

    0101 0010

    0100 1110

    0010 0001

  5. You can't do it on Master Quest either because that is on the gamecube. :crying_blow:

    I am also looking to buy it again for the 64, because I want the v1.0 game which is guaranteed on the limited edition gold cartridge. I have a gray cartridge that is not v1.0. The reason I want that special one is because you can do a glitch only on the v1.0 game that lets you use all your items while on epona, which lets you do even more funny glitches. The only problem is that I can usually only find it for around $50 - $70.

  6. You should make a new file in Ocarina of Time and slightly lift the left side of the cartridge, and if you do it right, you can get to the Deku tree with out a sword or shield and you can get past the kid blocking the exit into Hyrule field.

  7. Master quest is a version that basically changes the puzzles in dungeons so people like me and my brother who are too good at it can have good fun without messing with the game. (I personally like to lift out the left side of the Ocarina of Time just a little bit on my 64 and make the game spazz, sometimes moving you through invisible walls, NOTE: only pull it out a little bit and for short amounts of time or this hardware glitch will make your game freeze :happystrange: )

  8. I got mine for $225 (though my parents only made me pay half) it includes all the cables for power and sound and video, a 20g hard drive, halo 3, call of duty 4, a wired controller (I don't need the cord to reach far where I will hook it up and it feels much better than when the battery pack is in your way), and a wireless controller that uses regular batteries.


    Though me and my brother are not going to be playing it a lot until we both beat The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time / Master Quest. Which will only take a few more days at most. :nerd:

  9. I used to play Age of Mythology until the computer we ran it on died and then we lost the original game disk so we could not install it back onto our new computer. Right now me and my brother are trying to get our cousin to let us borrow his disk so we can install it on our computer. :medieval:

  10. NPCs sometimes just stop what they are doing when I play games sometimes. :sleeping_02:


    (On the same site as that Hercules image, I don't know exactly where it is, there is almost the exact same thing but with Xena doing the kicking.)

  11. Yes, I love rpgs with NPCs too. They are great.


    (Hey neon_halo, it is a Hercules siggy you see, I love that tv show and recently bought the 6th season dvd box set, and I found the image here: http://herc.ytmnd.com/ ) (I got this smaller one by using the smaller image of it on my photobucket)

  12. I might be getting an xbox 360 sometime, but only if I can get a good deal. The main reason I want to get an xbox 360 is so I can play Fable 2. I only just got enugh $ for the xbox 360 after saving up from before it came out. I love games, but I hate having to pay to get them.

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