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Posts posted by shayk

  1. It is cold and rainy here too :crying: so I am jealous of the sun loving shop keepers too! The poogle looks a bit manic to me and I agree the grundo is scary! I love the laid back enjoying the fun and sun look of the mynci and techo tough.

  2. Ditto...curious enough to look at the site, but really if it is a seperate site, I likely will not visit. I am more curious to see what the prizes are, although if they are just things that can be used on the new site, I will not be very happy.

  3. Pet:


    The ray is fired at Salacara...

    ... and she gains 2 strength points!!!!


    She has been gaining stats for about a week now hope it continues *looks around frantically for wood to knock on*



    Nothing looks different about Kiki but you can sense something happened. It becomes evident later when it tries to climb a tree but breaks off the branch instead. The ray has increased its level to: 3


    Tomorrow may see another boost if you're brave enough to risk it.

  4. The World Events pages says that these Money Tree "give-aways" exist:

    • Balthazar's Mega Faerie Giveaway Bonanza where there are 100 faeries added to the tree
    • the health frog free health food put on the tree
    • Lupe pack giveawy
    • pango pango giveaway


    Does anyone know if these are completely random or if there is a special time a day or special days when these happen?

  5. I was getting the new ones frequently for a while, but the last month or so, I keep getting the same old ones (lime, glowing, dung and poison)....not the fun ones. :( Still on the look out for a pirate jelly though.


    Xepha, it may have been 3K when you first got it. A lot of the newer jellies were realtively expensive (compared to older jellies) when they first came out and then as more and more were released the prices plummeted. There were several I got that first week that went for 2-5K but now are worth only 100 np or so.

  6. I have read that there is the Balthazar's Mega Faerie Giveaway Bonanza where there are 100 faeries added to the tree, the health frog free health food put on the tree and Lupe pack and pango pango giveaway for the money tree. Does anyone know if these are completely random or if there is a special time a day or special days when these happen?

  7. OMG yeey! Something bigger!

    The ray is fired at Citruss...

    ... and he changes colour to Faerie!!

    Congrats on the zap lemonest!


    Salacara gained 2 movement points...better than loosing stats which is what has been happening this whole week!


    Kiki shall now be known as Lollygag....I changed it back to Kiki though :happystrange:

  8. I love the chocolate bori! The chocolate scorchio has always been my favorite, but the bori is giving it a run for its money. I really wish there was a chocolate paintbrush though and not just available thorough the lab ray You are lucky to get chocolate at all and you cannot even pick which species you get :( Oh well!!!

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