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Posts posted by shadowgrrl

  1. I don't know where the file names came from, but by using rot13, I managed to unearth

    jerry and pteri

    . I've been using those things in every possible way I can imagine in order to solve this riddle, but I really haven't gotten much of a lead. :(


    i think everyone's pretty much stumped. seriously, i suggest we all just lie down for a few minutes and not think about it. get our minds out of the box.

  2. Oh yeah... That's right!

    I found that answer a little bit differently than most people did though...

    That one was actually really easy for me!


    Hey, would someone mind flicking my head until the answer comes out of my ear? I know it's in here somewhere...


    *flick**flick**poke* i hear rattles . . .:P yeah, the files method was not how i found the answer, either -- i had help from a friend.

  3. I'm waaaaaatching :) But no, I have no more ideas than you all do. I did think of the alternate puzzle pieces numbers that someone had mentioned. We have used filenames...well some of them anyway.

    jerry and pteri were filenames right?


    yes, but those were the only two that made any sense, and they led to the Pink Uni answer.

  4. I haven't been posting, but I'm definitely trying to figure it out along with you guys. I've reread the thread since we have "the general idea", but I'm not sure where that idea is...


    everyone else I've spoken to has no idea, either. i suggest we all lie down -- resting helps creativity.

  5. Lol. That made me laugh. o_O Easily amused, me.

    A tiny hint is all we need, and we might be able to do something. But as for me, I'm all out of ideas.


    so far, all I know is that we've "got the general idea". i don't know at what point we did have, or what it was, or anything. just that we had the general idea sometime in this string.

  6. After getting the email, are you meant to email back or do what you did for the overthrow puzzle, wise old king etc?


    don't email back -- have you solved the puzzle that's in it? post that answer in the regular kaliumecho.thedailyneopets.com answer box/vault/slot thing.

  7. Speaking of phones... I wonder what I've done with my mobile. Lol. Oops.

    Anyhow. Couldn't you just press the numbers? Where've we got this phone thing from anyway?


    it was an offhand suggestion i made -- the numbers looked like the area codes/numbers for actual real-life phones, so maybe TDN wanted us to prank call people. actually, the phone pad thing isn't too bad an idea, if someone's willing to dial the phone numbers and explain to all the angry people who's calling them at <insert hour here> in the <insert AM/PM>

  8. Could it be something to do with the inverted numbers from the puzzle and then decoded using the number and letters on a phone?


    question, though: since there are three letters per number on a phone pad, how would one know which letter to use?

  9. Probably. You never know. So. Hands up who's tired? *sticks hand up*

    Heh. But I so want to do this. Cause it's the only plot I'll ever end up completing on TDN. I'm not clever enough to do the ones where you aren't allowed to have help.



    Yes, very much so. This is the first plot I've done on TDN, as well . . . it would be nice to be able to finish it.

  10. Sorry. I am still here, really. I'm just trying to cope with a really slow computer that isn't even really that slow.

    If that makes sense.


    Som back to the drawing board guys.


    yeah . . . Motormouth's got something. should probably have a backup plan, though -- just in case. ^_^

  11. Not even one teeny weeny hint?


    Shame. To be expected though.


    Sorry people. My computer is being really slow. Stupid thing. Bt I'm not going until we've finished it.


    or until the eight and a half hours are over. :P

  12. Sorry guys, Still not gonna give Hints, Though 8 Hours and 30 Minutes to go ;)


    . . . didn't think so.


    So, everyone, who's GP? they answered the Hull Breach email, and their initials are at the bottom of the Kalium Echo page . . .

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