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Posts posted by AMAZING

  1. Day of Black Sun Part 1 : The Invasion & Day of Black Sun Part 2 : The Eclipse

    should air

    Original US broadcast date November 30, 2007 (scheduled)

    Original UK broadcast date November 23, 2007 (scheduled)



    Source : Wikipedia



    (Yeah, Yeah, it's unrealiable, but just hope that this is correct).

  2. I honestly liked the second one better.

    During the first one, Aang reached the Avatar State and you knew everything would be all right.

    During the second one, it looked like if Aang wanted to open the chakra to get into the Avatar State. I honestly thought that Azula and Zuko & all the Dai Li would meet their match but noooo. Azula threw lightning at Aang and at that point my mouth went ' :ohno: '

  3. That was Zhao. But unfortunatley, Zhao passed the bucket on the last episode of Book 1.


    Azula (yep!) knows about the eclipse because the Earth King mentioned it to her.

    Then Again, the Avatar is believed to be dead.


    But yeah, I think that during the solar eclipse they will fail OR wipe our the Fire Nation's forces yet, they couldn't take out Ozai (for some strange reason).

  4. For those of you that watched all 9 episodes so far, you do realize that 'day of black sun' is upon us right?


    What do you think is going to happen?



    BTW, before some smart mouth begins to tell me that this is a spoiler, it's not. It is merely an episode name and it reveals nothing that you shouldn't already know and *hopefully* there will only be predictions.

  5. You're a Zutara shipper? *cowers* Shippers are obsessive, insane maniacs! Run!


    Honestly, I don't really care that much who ends up with who.



    If Katara wants to end up with the Crazy Foaming Guy, more power to her.

    But I don't really care.

    I want to see the return of the old characters in season one and two like Bumi, Teo, Haru, and all those other people.

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