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Posts posted by ho_yt

  1. I'm 18 and I sometimes act younger than my age as many of who are this act are not playing neopets as more and so I think playing neopets can be quite young also but I sometimes think more mature than my age...

  2. I just realise that there is a problem with my games as well, one problem is that the high score for the game "The Search for Princess Lunara" is having a high score of 888, thats very strange because I never score this high for this game, and if I really have this score I will have receive a trophy for this game :laughingsmiley: , I think should be due to the glitch....


    Edit: I notice that the Qasalan Expellibox is down for maintance, I wonder why...


    Update: I realise that all my high scores are at 888...

  3. For the fun images you can always link it throught the news page, I find it still ok to navigate some the important sites but its just a bit troblemsome as i need to wait for the sublinks to appear on the buttons on top of the site...

  4. I acturally saw some lines appearing in some of the games since this change, so I don't really like the new change...


    Update: I also notice that when I play the kiko match today and pressed "play game" button, it shows a screen telling me that the game is not avaliable, maybe the TNT is still not stable with this new change...

  5. The new layout is ok but I still prefer the old one, maybe I need some time adapting to the new locations of the different features.


    The neoavatar seens to have some error just now but its ok now...


    Edit: There seens to be some problem with the neoavatar, because for the site seen to have recorded 1 avatar twice and therefore the avatar amount is incorrect...

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