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Posts posted by ho_yt

  1. Just like what the topic said, I when to try keyquest after like a few weeks and I found out that there are lots of changes going on. The biggest changes I can see is that the 2 key to 4 key games can now be played, but I once tried the 2 key ones and the winner only got a lead key :crying:, I wonder is it the same for the rest of you...


    Other changes will include the change in the fonts and also a few games added, I don't know how many new ones I only tried 2 if anyone knows do let me know and I find that the games are not as good as the previous ones because when I press the down key the page also goes down together making it hard to play the game...

  2. I'm not acturally affected so much by the result of the zap because that pet is zapped specially for battledome purpose so the appearance does not matter and a little change in the states is ok to me since its really random, sometimes you will lose some sometimes you will gain some... I zapped my another pet once and I find that I really like the appearance of my pet now and then I stop zapping that pet..

  3. Ranked 263

    Population 764

    Unemployment 0 %

    Transport 99 %

    Crime rate 1 %

    Pollution 0 %


    It looks really tough to be able to climb up the rankings, because when we want to increase the population then we will be hinder by the change in the states and then we need to be fix the states like now is transport and security. I think we need more coordination and support...

  4. Oh that must be very painful...


    I once have an injury on my toe too, that was due to fungal infection and the nail just dropped off and new ones grow back but waiting for the old one to drop is a really painful process...

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