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Posts posted by ho_yt

  1. wow what a lot of nps you have :bigeyed: Anyway I also didn't get a tree before but it does not matter if you got the skill there but sometimes my skill is not very consistant sometimes good sometimes bad >.<


    Its ok since it just 1 np difference but if you do think it matters to you then you have to remember the minimum score needed to score 1000 and look carefully before you send your score...

  2. Hi I would like to ask a sample quesion. You see most of the games had a minimum score needed to get into the high score table but any idea why some people can get trophies and some don't? Is there any requirements needed to get a trophy after getting into the high score table? I don't get it because I was in the top 50 but I didn't get any trophy..

  3. Happy Birthday TJ!!! You are just 2 years younger than me opps I revealed my age haha. I didn't know that your birthday is today, a very interesting day indeed which is the 2nd day of the new year. Enjoy your birthday I don't remember having so many people wishing me happy birthday before...

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