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Posts posted by ho_yt

  1. Yay Mutant Graveyard of Doom II which is one of my favourite game now, I find it really fun to ambush behind the tombstone and knock down the enermy XD. I finished this in one try.


    Here's my tips: Try not to go too fast if you are not very familar with the map, go one step at a time because you can't see where the enermies are sometimes.


    Edit: I thought I can't send my score just now because the can't send in offline mode thingy is back again but I went back to the main page and everything's fine even thought I got that message..

  2. I'm not sure if this can help you but try to calm down when you play because when you are nervous you tend to shoot continuously without looking at the amount of ammo you have left and you may end up with lack of ammo..


    Try to shoot all the petpetpets in the first few rounds then when the next few rounds you are not able to shoot all, try to shoot those higher scoring ones and if you are lack of ammo, don't shoot until you have recharge your ammo again...

  3. I had not been playing KQ after the load test because I always loss but I don't quit because when I finally was about to win then if the person quit I will be very frustrated so I know how you felt.


    I don't mind playing with you too, feel free to pm me if you want, I will not quit if I'm in control of my com lol

  4. Its been a long time since playing Pterattack. Hmm... anyone know which type of power-up is the best? I prefer the fireball one thought.


    Edit: I finally beat AAA and wow my heart really pound very fast when more and more pteri are coming but I think the best this is to remain stable and don't loss your pace at the upcoming levels...

  5. Oh my I just now already have a feeling that the double dare will be tough and I'm still trying to beat that score. Just have a question to ask, if I accept the double dare challenge does it only apply to this current challenge only or does it mean that I have accepted all the double dare challenge for the whole month?


    Edit: omg I can't believe it, just now I was playing and I actually got a supernegg then after a few rounds I actually got a fish negg again!! I was so nervous and I can't believe I can actually beat that score good luck to all of you!!

  6. Its actually not addictive at all, you just click on it each day and thats it!! :P


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  7. Hmm... I have stop playing faerie bubble for a long time after getting my avi but its still not hard to beat. I thought I got an error processing the score but then when I check back to the main page it seems that everything is still going fine..

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