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Posts posted by ho_yt

  1. I eat mostly chinese food also since my mum only cooks chinese food and I also like seafood very much like fish (especially those steamed fish in those resturants) and many others. I would love to try a lobster someday if I have the chance.


    I also love Yam paste if anyone know what this is and fried rice.

  2. wow thats going to be exciting :D Good luck to you :)


    I'm a bit sad here because my school holiday is about to end and I will start school next week :( Just thinking of how many modules I have to study..


    I guess I will be the same as Livvy from next week...

  3. Ya I guess most of you have this problem as well.. also I'm not very familiar with pet trading so I'm not sure how it works and also I'm afraid that I may get cheated because of this...

  4. If I was in your place I would have painted a buzz and then any other colour that I want. I have checked the website out, it even shows how the pet will look like when it is sad :D.


    You know, I have actually thought about this idea too but the problem is that first I don't have a buzz and second I'm not very fond of buzz so I don't really know what to paint it with.


    I'm now thinking to painting my Shoyru but then I can't really decide on the colour I want to paint so I'm really confuse now..


    I don't really have a dream pet now so there's no definite answer as to what I want to paint..

  5. Hi I don't know if this sounds stupid but I just noticed that I got a fountain faerie quest again but I already conpleted one long time ago and I haven use it yet so if I complete this one will I get double the chance to use the fountain?


    If not then I will have to think of what colour to choose since I wanted to complete the Jhudora's Quest for the avi previously and I don't want to be held back by this quest..


    Sorry just want to add is it possible to show all the colours of a certain species in one go? and anyone know where to do so thanks!!

  6. I guess many people have said their views and this is what I have to say..


    I would say that if you are willing to take the risk for results you get from the zap then feel free and since its so much easier to get lab maps now through KQ its actually not as expensive as before and there are chances you can get avatars from the zap.


    For me, I zap it for the states of the pet (but not as much now) and also use it as a way to find out what my dream pet is since I don't really know what pet I want..

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