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Posts posted by Shattered_Ribbon

  1. Granted. ECUT's-- Extremely-Complicated-Unbeatable-Tests-- have been specially created just for you. *wink*



    I wish summer vacation would last for 6 months instead of 3.

  2. *gags at the thought of AA's cookies* Sheesh, I can virtually smell them from here...=PP

    Welcome to TDNForums. =) I'm Vira, by the way.

    Don't forget to read the forum rules, and you'll have an awesome time here. ^^

  3. *waves wildly* Hey, I just got here. =) Hopefully, if I'm not going anywhere over the summer, I'll be active just for these 3 months. Then..*shudders* junior year...


    Are any of you guys doing anything for the summer? The only thing that I'm doing is swim team. T-T Hour practices everyday..*sigh*

    But hey! *pokes muscles* xD

  4. School got out for me May 23rd and I begin School back up somewhere in August.

    Summer Time


    Summer break for me just started-- School starts again in early September though. But I'm glad to finally be active here now that I'm done with all those crummy exams. *hopes to one day burn all those research papers* :evil:

  5. Hello Skystar! Welcome to TDNForums. I'm Vira, by the way. ^^

    Don't forget to read the forum rules, and you'll have an awesome time here. I wonder if AA is still passing out his cookies...I'd warn you against them if he did. xD

  6. Hey Roger. =) Sorry for the slightly late welcoming. ^^ I'm Vira, by the way.

    I'm a neopets-a-holic too---but just for the freebies. *wink* =P


    Don't forget to read the forum rules, and you'll have an awesome time here.

  7. Hey Ger. Welcome to TDNForums. =) I'm Vira, by the way. Don't forget to read the forum rules, and you'll have a great time here.



    Have you, by any chance, heard of Gerard Way? xP


    (Vira= big fan of MCR) x]

  8. *wipes dust away* MoTA has gone a bit quiet recently. I'm perfectly content with waiting, but I just wanted to bump this so that nobody forgot about it :D


    I don't mind it being this quiet. =) Not to say it in a bad way.

    Around next month or so, I get ready for finals, and by then, I'll be super busy. I probably won't be able to get on at all until they are all over. So I'm crossing my fingers that the actual strategy-thinking, problem solving part of MoTA doesn't start until June. =]

  9. My first ever game name was Elavira. And then it turned into Lavira. And then Lavire. But now, from most of the games I play, I'm called Vira (which is basically just a nick-nick-name for me). :)


    Shattered_Ribbon is something I came up with a long time ago. When I actually had the dream to become a writer, it was the title of a story I was writing. I thought it sounded pretty neat, so it's my Forum name here. ^^

  10. Hello Brynda, and welcome to TDNForums! =) I'm glad you decided to come here. I'm Vira, by the way. ^^

    *offers a piece of moldy cake* Hey, my birthday was only 4 days ago. x]


    (It's the thought that counts, right? =P)

  11. Granted. Your face is blue, while your feet are purple, your legs yellow, your arms green, and your stomach red. What a disgusting combo. *tsk tsk*


    I wish for some strawberries.

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