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Posts posted by Kal

  1. heheh munsterpoo is probably flowded with neomailes right now ...


    I wonder why is it so hard to find her ... I think the last villan (kasuki-lu) was found very fast...


    Agreed. Mind you all you had to do was get his trading card etc... I'm sure a lot of people were getting it anyway, It only takes one lucky click...

    Does she have a trading card? So far as I know she doesn't even have a name... The Frost queen maybe? Don't know... Could help if we found that out maybe?

    Edit: Idiot that I am, Her names already been mentioned in posts in this topic... Shoulda reread it all before posting... Ahh. Such is life.

  2. Wasn't really trying to do anything... Just thought it would be cool to hit either side of the adbot.. Why? Will something explode if I manage it? That'd be awesome... Well. maybe not. Dillon bust my attempt at a combo. He shall have to suffer the fury of my wrath. I shall deprive him of candy. Or perhaps enforce the laws of physics...

    As an aside, I hate Gravity.. any idea how we can turn it off?

  3. Dadaist's were the movement just before Surrealists... I suck at art. I tend to be better at writing too. But no one gets to read what I write until I'm finished with it, and I tend to get bored halfway through and not finish any of it.

  4. I can't wait for the chance to beat her. My Kyrii will have much fun... Any ideas as to where we may find her? The comic hints she's on an island below Krawk Island right? Not that that means anything I suppose.. just throwing that out there...

    Edit: 20th Post. W00T!

  5. Actually, I wouldn't get offended if people said my art sucks.. I'm Dadaist at heart... Art is subjective.. something I love you may hate. I mostly use Gimpshop 'cos its free and open source, and I like to support open source software. Plus I have no money to buy Photoshop, And though I'm perfectly capable of stealing it I'm morally opposed if I can get something as good for free.

    Free fact, Dadaists used to hold art shows in which they would offer people entering Axe's and tell them if there was anything there they hated, they could destroy it. Which is Freaking awesome. Admit it.

  6. Selling them just prolifigates them. We want LESS Meepits, not MORE... The longer they live, the more they mate (However it is they do that... No. I don't want to know. Kthxby!) So we eat them. It's technically genocide... Actually its probably Speciecide...

  7. Never give up... It can be frustrating. If it doesn't work and you're getting annoyed step away. It's not going anywhere. Come back the next day or something. Also I find that when I was getting really annoyed it was just good fun to flood altador by setting everything to 0. Just made me feel better.

  8. Rereading that it's sounds revolting... I take it back! Aren't they mroe like mice/rats? Who eats those?


    REAL Real hungry People. There we go.. Four words...


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  9. Chocolate covered Meepit sounds a little disgusting to me... But thats just me... How about Fondue Meepit? melted cheese and meepit meat.. and then melted chocolate for those who prefer meepit as a desert....

    I'm figuring meepits are the same as every other animal, but maybe they're not.. Do they have meat or are they made of marshmallow? They look kinda marshmallowy....

  10. I didn't ever encounter a time limit... I did mine and two friends Plot's so... For the first two people I just clicked at random, and it seemed to work, Actually finished it in minutes... For the third guy it took me nearly two days of on and off trying, I finally used the tally system and got it in about an hour or so...

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