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Posts posted by Ms.Nikki

  1. gaiaonline.com it's a website that uses "people" instead of pets they only have seven games I believe. People seem to love it though since you get to buy clothes to dress your avatar. I still prefer neopets though. It takes forever to make gold on that site!

  2. TRUE Purple squirrels fly east at 2:17 pm at a 29 degree angle ever 7th day of every other third leap year.


    The person below me has picked their nose sometime in their life

  3. TRUE as a college student I've gone DAYS without sleeping. It's like a some kind of requirement.


    The person below me has gone more than two days without showing or bathing.

  4. Well I've been on gaia online for a couple of months (maybe a year, found it boring not enough to do but still a good site I guess) but for some reason there's always someone on there posting about neopets, usaully to put down people who play neopets. Does anyone know why this is?

  5. I saw Marapets...I prefer Neopets. I don't know why they'd make a site that's sooo much like Neopets in the first place though. BUT if they cleaned it up a bit maybe it would be more popular. Who knows maybe Neopets own Marapets o_O

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