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Captain Awesome Pants

Fantastic Members
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Status Updates posted by Captain Awesome Pants

  1. Hi my name is Laura and I suck my thumb. But it's okay because I'm Captain Awesome Pants.


  3. WILLIAM! (I'm assuming that's your full name) YOU CHANGED YOUR PICTURE! YOU'RE SO ADORABLE! :D

  4. Indeed. Indeed they are.

  5. You! You're reply to Morgan's pm made my day. I'm glad that you think my video is amazing. :D

  6. Um, so, and, like uh...

    Those are stalling words!

  7. Nyeahhurgfrnoo.

    Osorry. Just staling.

  8. Now you know what I'm up to. :o

  9. *pats head* But you're my sicko. xD

    Okay no wait. That sounds like we're dating.

  10. Well, you wouldn't happen to know where you got the sprites from, would you?

  11. You! *catches in a net*

    Interrogation time. Do you still have all your Metroid comics lying around?

  12. My evil mind, is in fact, collaborating with Livvy's evil-but-innocent mind. It will the greatest (evil) thing in the history of TDN! >:D It involves ALL the cool kids.

  13. You're wondering too? :o

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