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Everything posted by blobfish

  1. False - don't know what that is TPBM likes to eat sushi.
  2. True, I think? I'm not actually sure how big my yard is, but it is fairly large. TPBM sleeps with the lights off.
  3. Name: Zoe Place: Zimbabwe Animal: Zebra Thing: Zipper
  4. T R U E (I teach and I can't wait for the school year to end) TPBM recently watched a new TV series that they really like.
  5. Name: Ursula Place: Uganda Animal: Unicorn (does this count? LOL) Thing: Umbrella
  6. True/false; I love cheese, ice cream, and butter but don't drink/like milk. TPBM considers themselves to be an organized person.
  7. Name: Sophie Place: Singapore Animal: Sloth Thing: Stapler
  8. True, I ordered a dress yesterday and I bought a new skirt today. TPBM likes cheese.
  9. Name: Owen Place: Ontario Animal: Ostrich Thing: Oatmeal
  10. True. TPBM regularly lights scented candles.
  11. True. TPBM considers themselves to be a morning person.
  12. Name: Lauren Place: Louisiana Animal: Lemur Thing: Lime
  13. True, most of them are. TPBM regularly wears perfume/cologne.
  14. Name: Jules Place: Jamaica Animal: Jaguar Thing: Juice
  15. That statement could not be more true. TPBM is eating something right now
  16. Name: Gabrielle Place: Georgia Animal: Giraffe Thing: Goblet
  17. Hahaha We will see
  18. Bump bump bumpity bump I am winning for now
  19. False, but I am about to tell you my McDonald's order: chicken nuggets, fries, and buffalo sauce. TPBM has gotten up in the middle of the night recently.
  20. Name: Emily Place: Ethiopia Animal: Eagle Thing: Electric guitar
  21. Back to the beginning!! Name: Allison Place: Argentina Animal: Axolotl Thing: Alarm clock
  22. True. I have watched (some of) Riverdale, though... TPBM is left-handed.
  23. True! In fact, I spent most of today outside because it was nice out for the first time in forever. TPBM is either Duma or Gaevriel.
  24. Name: Yolanda Place: Yemen Animal: Yak Thing: Yoyo
  25. Nope! TPBM does not like chocolate.
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