Oh yeah having a slight cold and allergies the worst right now. 3 weeks ago I was suppose to go into the eye clinic at Stanford for more tests. I had a bit of an allergic cough. Now I have no idea if the nurses thought I was completely blind or something cuz I do use a white cane. They had me go into a quarantine room at the EYE CLINIC (I can't believe they had that prepared), and this nurse in full on hazmat came out to ask me questions and take my temperature. They kicked my mom out immediately, she actually had a slight cold (which cleared up in like 2 weeks, no other symptoms, and it was really light). My whole family have been avoiding people as much as we can for weeks as if it's the plague, and when we have to meet up we took as much precautions as we could, so there is no way we could have came into contact with COVID-19 very easily. Also they didn't even guide me the way you normally guide someone blind (normally you hold onto the elbow of a sighted guide), the nurse walked far in front of me and made noise, told me to follow with my cane (and they deal with blind folks/low vision at this clinic). This was before all the lock down stuff happened here in California.
I thought you're still allowed to go out in California for a breath of fresh air, walk, or run, but you have to maintain 6ft, unless you live in the same household. Not too sure, don't quote me on it. My vision conditions been acting up recently (neurological) and it's been semi-hard to read things (even large print), and news sites don't always have best compatibility with screen readers. I've still been going on small walks, although it's very rainy. No one gets in my way anyways because they don't want to get whacked.