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Posts posted by Mini-Chan

  1. I just made this poem, for my mom! It's a tribute poem! We're doing them

    for English class!


    so I decided to post it here :]


    A life to live, a life to adore,

    A gift from my mother,

    Just for me.

    My existence is meaning,

    I know that’s the truth.


    Mother, dear mother,

    I thank you so much,

    Every time I’m queasy,

    You’re always there by my side.

    The things you’ve taught me,

    Like looking at life positively,

    I cherish to heart.


    Your radiant smile,

    My sun, day and night,

    Always there to cheer me up,

    On my days of despair.

    The one I admire,

    My shining moonlit star,

    To guide me along,

    On the journey of life.



    its not that good cuz im still a beginner X3

    please tell me whatchas think about it! that way i can improve :]

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