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Status Updates posted by Mini-Chan

  1. Haha, yeah. I think this year, the anime club will be hosted in the art room, but I'm not too sure.

  2. that is smart! XD But we don't have a projector in the room that the club is in. In fact, it's the cooking class room. lol.

  3. o:

    Hmm, i guess we could bring food in. Not many people did though. There were lots of people in the club, but they were kinda scary...oh and the tv was not big, the subs were SUPER TINY. -.-

  4. Ohh, we have an anime club at our school too! I was in it, but it wasn't all that great.

  5. Ahh, Ouran High School, that's a great manga. I've never read Vampire Doll, but i heard of it!

  6. Haha. What kind of manga do you read?

  7. Haha, I think I know what you mean! My parents don't like me reading manga (they call it 'junk books'), but I just enjoy reading manga sooo much!

  8. Things you shouldnt be reading? Hmm...xD Well, I've been watching Shugo Chara (an anime) lately.

  9. Reallly? How does your mom ruin your nice-ness, if I may ask? And I hate squeaking ceilings/floors. -.-

  10. lol, I'm glad that it got better ;D

  11. aww, why? i hope your tummy stops hurting!

  12. eh? did i attack you that hard? terribly sorry, don't know my own strength! >.<

  13. o:

    I have been surprised attacked on!

    *attacks back*

  14. Haha, I agree with you. xD

  15. Yeah, but like rip his throat out AT THE MOMENT she realized what he did. xD

  16. OMG I KNOW! HOW COULD HE IMPRINT ON HER! I'm so surprised that Bella didn't go rip his throat out first moment she figured out about him and Renesmee. XD

  17. Haha, I always do that when I see 'MINI' XD

    OMG BREAKING DAWN WAS SOOO GOOD. And yes, I got bored of the whole Jacob part. >> Although when he interacted with the Cullens in his book, it wasn't so bad. :/

  18. lol, yay. We. are. FRIENDS. WOOT. When did Edward like vanilla ice cream?!

  19. No problem!~ I like tackle hugging too :D

  20. ...how am I not your BUDDY?! I shall add you :D


  21. I know it's probably late..but grats on moderator! <3

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