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Posts posted by CrisFCobain

  1. Hello everyone!!  :laughingsmiley:
    How are you? I hope you are doing well! :)
    First of all, I just wanted to apologize for not being too active: I'm really struggling with my school work. TwT
    I've been saving NP since I started playing Neopets this year in order to buy Baby Paint Brush. Finally, I've reached the required amount of NP, so I've tried to buy the brush at the Hidden Tower but I couldn't: when I tried to click on the image of the Baby Paint Brush, the web returned me to Home page.  o_O Am I doing it wrong?  
    Thanks for your help!!  ^_^
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  2. Hi! :D

    I'm newbie here too, but I used to play Neopets over 11 years ago (I was 7 years old back then) and I have the same problem as you: I forgot my old Neopet user :'D

    Anyway, I hope we can be good friends! Everybody here is so friendly and helpful! ^^


    Welcome to the forums!  :laughingsmiley:

  3. Hi everyone!  :laughingsmiley: 


    First of all, I'm from Spain so excuse my poor English >_<

    My name is Cristina and I'm 18 years old. I used to play Neopets over 11 years ago with my old sister and I've recently got back on it due to nostalgia. Sadly, I forgot my old Neopet user and I have to create a new account.  :sad02: 

    Yesterday I discovered this forum and I've found it really interesting and useful! Good job! :D


    I'm glad to join here and I hope I'll make a lot of friends!! :3

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