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Posts posted by .Dan.

  1. I know it's respectful to bow your heads and listen to the prayer and all that, but I find it somehow infringes on my rights as a human being when they force me to listen to the farce. I mean, at all my previous schools, we were always allowed the right to not attend assemblys when a pastor would be there.

  2. As Russell Peters puts it, I wanna be Anthony by day, and Tap Some Bong by night! I'd shoot noodles out of my wrists, and catch bad guys with stale fortune cookies..


    "Confucious say: you go to jail, bad boy!"

  3. I've been a member of that site for a few months now, and haven't gotten anything...

    No spam, no third-party content, so it's a pretty safe site. All I need is people to sign up with me as referrer...think of it this way: if I win, you'll see less of me around here.

  4. Alright fellas. I need an opinion.


    A site I know is currently giving away a PS3. They already gave away one in March, and this is the final one. They do market research for companies in the 10-35 range, and I have a chance here.


    So, for every member I sign up/ get to insert me as referrer, I receive 50 points. For every survey I do, I get 25 points.

    The March winner won with 3525 points which was made up of 60 mates signed up, so I'll need about 70 or so to have a safe chance at this. I'd be willing to pay people 1k or 2k NP to sign up and have me as their referrer, and my eternal gratitude. The only reason I really want the PS3 is so I can resell it, and use the cash for another purpose. Maybe use it for forum costs for TDN or another forum I'm on, since PS3s cost about $1300 new in NZ.


    Would anyone here do this?

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