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Posts posted by chastelore

  1. Oh wow! Thank you so much for the warm welcome. It's been a while since I've been on an actual forum (not counting the Neoboards) so I hope to be as active here as possible! :)


    Greetings Jessica, welcome to TDN Forums. Congrats on all those great firsts! I hope you'll enjoy your time here at the forums. :)

    Thank you! I hope so too. This is one of the first forums I've been on for a long time haha.


    Welcome and congrats on your dream pets! I'll have to keep an eye out for you around the Neocash Chat ^_^ I'm a bit of a customization addict myself haha

    Thank you! If you do see me around I bet it's gonna be 'cause I'm trying to get that pesky CBG. Haha. It's so hard to get and I hate that one of my dream pets fell in love with it.


    Wow congrats on those goals! I'm nearing 9 million np and still have not had an FFQ or my dream pet! Good job and have fun.

    It's mostly due to those FQ cookies they sell at the mall. I manage to get some with the free nc Neopets gave out due to the lag and got some cookies during the sale haha. Stacked them during that Faerie Quest event and was lucky enough. I'm on my second one actually. Saving it up for my pastel baby.


    Welcome! It's really nice that you reached so many goals! :laughingsmiley:

    Welcome!  So glad to have you on the boards.  It feels so great to reach a goal, doesn't it?

    Thank you to both of you! And I most certainly reached a lot of goals that 11 year old me would never dream about achieving so I definitely think mini me would be patting me on the back haha.


    Hello!! Welcome to the forms :) Just out of curiosity, what is your dream pet?

    The dream pets I have achieved were a Cybunny (any Cybunny actually but mine is currently an Eventide one because she's a Firefly/Doctor Who-esque space cowboy traveller so of course she's Eventide) and the other one is the one pictured in my avatar which is my lovely Transparent Wocky who is the Neopet version of a Calavera girl/sugar skull princess and my obsession with the Mexican holiday The Day of the Dead and the movie The Book of Life.


    The dream pets I'm working towards are my Halloween Xweetok who is a dreamcatcher living in a nightmare world and my Pastel Xweetok who is a Shenkuu warrior princess. I'm prioritizing the Halloween one because the name I want for my Pastel is not free from the purge yet and I haven't found a suitable alternative yet.


    Wow, I'm sorry for the ramble but I just get so passionate about my dream pets haha.


    Hi Jessica, I am Jenny or christmas_tree74. Congrats on all your 1sts!! It is a very exciting time. Neopets was bought by Jump Start and they are currently trying to fix bugs or reinstall games we all have played before. 


    Welcome back to Neopets :)

    Thank you. I definitely feel like I came back at around the right time because it during the time of change. I mean I missed a couple of things (Keyquest and Habi being the key ones but I'm glad I came back when I did).
  2. My "dream dream DREAM" pet is a UC Cybunny. But I've come to terms with the fact that I'll probabaly never own one because I'm so picky with names and most well-named one is with a frozen user.


    But I'm actually really happy with the pets I have right now. They were my achievable dream pets. I'm working towards my other two dream pets (a Halloween Xweetok and a Pastel one). I just hope the name I want for the latter would be free soon.

  3. Hi, my name is Jessica. I've been in and out of Neopets for about...I'd like to say 9-ish years but I might be grossly overexaggerating. I didn't really get into it until a couple of months ago when I really started to hit my neogoals (first and second dream pet, first million np, nearly completed gallery, nc trading, first FFQ, etc etc). But yeah, hi. Nice to meet all of you. :)

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