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Posts posted by Sophie's_Warlock

  1. it's just I'm pretty sure some of the items in my inventory were special one time items so that's one of the reasons i made such a big deal about it...i just wish there was a more reliable way to keep your account from being lost years down the line


    because if you are a young kid then you won't think about writing all your info down it just never came to you....seems pretty dumb to expect kids remember all this crap when they need it the most

  2. I'm trying to put in the effort but i can't make info appear out of thin air that i can't even verify because it's been years since i even looked into my inventory i cannot begin to imagine what's in there i understand everyone's frustrations with me and I'm sorry but when i signed up for neopets it was at a time when i didn't really need to write everything down when i didn't have my email account

    at most i can remember some of the things i did on neopets not so much if i had any neofriends or what was in the inventory


    I'd have to be the luckiest man on earth to get those kind of questions right at this stage and i guess my account is forever lost if i can't get lucky with that....

  3. i guess so but there's always a chance jumpstart changes too much and ruins everything....I'm gonna remain pessimistic until i see some proof that they got bright ideas for the future i mean we're exactly in the hands of people with a undeniable reputation all i can remember about them is they did a series of educational games in the 90's....i realize neopets target audience was probably children and tweens but that can't possibly be where JS is gonna go in the near future...making everything Neopets Junior

  4. You could always send an E-Mail to [email protected] I had to do that for mine. Just tell them your circumstances and see if they will allow you to / or for you, change the associated E-Mail.

    NeoFriends, stuff in your SDB, the day, month and year that you received a trophy (although that would be hard for me to remember xD) month & year should be fine though, little things only you would know about your account, like if you found a PB through a Random Event and which pet you painted it with or if you sold it.

    The more info you shove about your account into that message, I would say, the higher your chances are to recover it.

    again if you just dropped off neopets like i did then remembering random crap like friends and inventory what you had equipped isn't going to be easy

  5. the issue i take is neopets becoming something it isn't....a crappier version of facebook or a poorly thrown together mobile phone game sure it might be more modern and acceptable than a virtual pets site but it's not what neopets needs to be


    the plot driven events were what made neopets so special and different compared to similiar sites it had it's own lore and stories just waiting to be told unfortunately if neopets does go through with a more facebook mobile approach i doubt those events would resurface at all


    people these days want brainless mobile games with little to no story that they have to remember

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