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Posts posted by Oravay

  1. Yeah, I sure hope so, jellysundae :D


    You could always exclude morphing potions just for the sake of focusing on other potions. c: I think it's a great gallery theme.


    Good luck on the avatar! I've been trying for that one as well, though I'm not very lucky--I'm still waiting on the Wheel of Excitement one after 6 1/2 years. x(

    Yeah, I'm thinking of at least leaving them until i get the other potions, or most of them, anyway.

    And ugh yes, wheel of excitement, I've probably never got that one through all my years in neo. That and wheel of knowledge.

    Good thing is, they don't cost much so i don't worry about it much. I get them when I get them. :D

  2. Yay my gallery has a follower :D But I'm not sure if I'm going to work on that much until I get my Wheel of Extravagance avatar, and that thing already eats too much of my nps X(

  3. I love Jellyneo's item DB, oh my goodness.

    You can search in the following categories on their database, and they'd give you some pretty good items that aren't "Something-something Potion" and that may be harder to find with keywords:


    Brightvale Potions

    Medical Cures

    Meridell Potion


    There may be more in some of the weaponry categories, too, like Tyrannian Weaponry or Space Defence. "Bottled" might be a good keyword as well!

    "Bottled" items came with the keyword for "Bottle", but thanks for that battledome shop tip, wouldn't realize to check there!



    Check all their magic categories? (without putting any search words in).Just looking at the Altador Magic category there are these:



    Essence of Courage



    Florin's Flask



    Phial of the dreamer


    This is going to be a really pretty gallery! Have fun working on it!

    I just finished going through pages with "bottle" as keyword. Thanks, I'll check there!

    Yeah, that's why I want to make one :) Too bad most of the morphing potions are ugly, and I'm still wondering if I want to include those baby morphing potions, they are not really that kind of potions I'm looking for. :/


    Thanks for all your tips! If I didn't make this topic, I'd just go through keywords potion/bottle and miss a whole bunch of pretty potions :D

  4. I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but I was wondering if anyone knows some potion like items that don't have the word potion on the name?

    I'm starting a potion gallery and currently doing list of items I need. So I'm looking for items that have names like "Bruno Bubbles" that don't really tell what kind of item that is.

    Also if anyone knows of any keywords other than potion/bottle i could use when searching for stuffs, that would be great :)


  5. Hey there Holly! I'm also pretty new to the forums, but been using TDN for quite some time. I've been here for what.. 2 days now? 3?

    I'm from Finland and so my english isn't always the best either. I can easily understand what you're saying so I guess that means your english is just fine :D Don't worry about it.

    Welcome to the forums :)


    I love Dottavo, btw. His customization is awesome! :laughingsmiley:

  6. Yeah, although I'm about ten episodes behind. I'm really busy with school so tv shows are suffering :'(

    Also Marvel and Harry Potter :D

    wish I had episodes to watch. I hate waiting for the next episode. :D

    Oh yeah, Marvel. I have a little collection of all things marvel, from kids pop-up books to comics & movies.

    Mostly Spiderman though, can't find much else here in Finland. At least not from second hand shops where I go with my little monies :D

    I liked Harry potter movies, but that's about it. :D

  7. That sounds like a really good dream :)

    And I really like your rat's names :D I have a feeling we're kind of in the same fandoms, hehe. :D

    It sure was!

    Thank you! So you also enjoy Supernatural? I only started watching it about a month ago and went through all seasons in a few weeks :laughingsmiley:


    Nice names :).

    I just looked him up and a Maraquan Grarrl is a very nice choice! Good luck with your zaps.

    Thank you!

    Thank you and thank you! :)

  8. Thanks Jaavje! Nice to meet you too! They're called Loki, Ares & Sirius :)

    And thanks again :) Mutant Draik has always been my ultimate dream. Oh god that happiness when I received my 2nd Fountain Faerie Quest! Now I'm only waiting for Mara zap for my grarrl.

    Bagnory is also very adorable c:

  9. Ah, okay. And I love rats, one of my best friends had them for a while, and they were so cute.

    By the way, am I seeing things or is your profile pic actually Castiel/Misha Collins. :nerd:


    Yup, It's Misha. I just had a dream last night where he was making me a pizza. :laughingsmiley:

  10. This interests me also, I can do little graphic design (though I'm not too confident with it, I'd rather let someone else do it :laughingsmiley: ) and I've started working on my own game (Peggle like game, anyone know that one?) on Stencyl some time ago that I haven't been continuing much lately, but this might get me interested in getting to work on it again. Assuming ofcourse that it's possible to add your own games in there? Didn't find any info about it when I was quickly browsing through that site. But it may be possible later on? That would give me some time to learn this game designing a little better :P So I'd love to be in, if you let me? :rolleyes_anim:


    Did you check your spam folder, minsy? I got the mail right away.

  11. Thank you kodylaurentia & muertadivina! Nice to know I might have a chance here :laughingsmiley:

    I live in southern Finland Marae, thank you! :)

    Well, as it turns out that wasn't my last post, Shelley :woot:

    Yeah, I've had rats for almost 5 years now and I don't even consider getting anything else, ever!

  12. Heya! I'm Oravay or Ora, whatever you like to call me. I'm 22 year old girl from Finland and I've been playing Neopets for... well, forever.

    I've been using TDN for long time but I decided to join in to the forums as well, and maybe get some new friends.

    Basically my only friends are my 3 rats and my boyfriend :laughingsmiley: I'm pretty shy and quiet.

    Let's just hope this doesn't end up as my fist and last post here .


    Yeah, I think that's about it. Sorry for possible mistakes in my english. ^_^




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