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Posts posted by Oravay

  1. I hope it's impossible. Anyway, please don't do that. I am sure I am not the only one to have my own playlist on most of the time. Unexpected music on a webpage leads to closing said page immediately and never opening it again.


    She was not going to make it so it starts automatically when you go on the page.


    I'm not after autoplaying music or anything like that, just a little thingy you can click if you want to hear a tune, or not if you don't.



    But I'm not sure if it can be done. Haven't seen many players on petpages.

  2. Only thing that comes to my mind that might just have something to do with these attacks is the sudden death of 2 of my pet rats recently.

    ...But, I don't know. I've lost many pet rats before, and it hasn't affected me like this.


    I did realize during the first panic attack that concentrating on something helped a bit, so maybe there's some idea in these mantras, meditations and things. I'll just have to find the suitable thing for me.

    Though I'm not completely sure how meditation works, I'm sure there's lots of stuff about it on the internet. I might just try it out.


    I'm not very good with groups, so I think that's out of the question. But I'm going to have to try the therapist if I can't get this in control by myself.


    Thanks everyone for your support!

    I was pretty amazed to see how common these things actually are when I researched about this.

  3. Had one for the first time on last weeks Tuesday night. I was about to fall asleep/half asleep when I thought my bed was shaking a little. I got up and tested my bed with my hand if it was still shaking and then I realized it wasn't the bed afterall, but me. Didn't take long until I was starting to feel like passing out. This go me freaked out, I was sure I'd die and thought if I needed to call an ambulance or not. My boyfriend was convinced it was a panic attack (he has experienced it before aswell, because he has panic disorder) and he bought me some water and told me to try and relax my breathing.

    I also got a fabulous idea to take a piece of sugar in case I had a low blood sugar. Anyway, the shaking continued and got greater all the time, until the whole thing was over after about 15 minutes.


    Well, I didn't sleep that night. And I rushed to the hospital the first thing in the morning. Got my blood and.. other substance tests as well as cardiogram.

    Everything checked out fine, and the doctor was also telling me that it was indeed a panic attack, and wrote me a prescription for some beta blockers in case I'm starting to feel like having another attack again.


    Well the week goes on and I've been afraid to fall asleep every night fearing that it might happen again, and here I am, writing this at 6am and haven't slept a bit.

    I felt it starting again, just like last time, feeling the shaky, getting the dizzy feeling, fear of dying/going insane. I rushed to my pills and had one. Didn't get as bad as last time thankfully, but darn isn't this just terrible.


    All my life I've been relatively healthy, I hardly ever have even a fever and now I get these sick seizures. Freaked me out, like seriously.

    I already fear of the thought that I'll some day be dead, and if I now have to feel like it's my last time breathing every week.. ugh, not funny.

    I've also tried to avoid any kind of meds until it's absolutely necessary.


    Has any of you had these kind of panic attacks?

    How do you deal with them? How long have you had them?


    I don't even know if any of those medical terms are correct, or if anything at all in my english is understandable.

    I just had to let myself out.


    Also, this must be the longest post I've ever posted anywhere.

  4. Hey there Jill! I'm Oravay, welcome to the forums! :)

    I'm fairly new myself, and have been inactive here for a few weeks because of some not so nice, unpleasant things that happened but I'm getting back to lurk and participate in the forum customization contest every once in a while :D

    And what comes to the userlookups, I remember reading somewhere that they were taken down on purpose to reduce the lag or something like that..

  5. You are currently on a quest for Queen Fyora.
    Are you having trouble finding it, little one? I'm sorry, I don't have time to help you look right now.

    You are supposed to bring me: bva_parchment_cloak.gif
    Parchment Cloak



    Opened shop wiz, "webpage not available" > No longer able to use shop wiz ugh.

    I found one for 10k, but decided to check for cheaper ones. Hope that one's still there.

  6. Do you have to complete a quest every day if you wish to get the final reward?

    Fire faerie is asking for item worth of 20k and I really don't want to spend that much on it.

    I'm not sure if this is asked here before, didn't really read the earlier posts.

  7. Well, draiks are lame anyway. I'm getting sick of seeing them everywhere.

    Except mine. Mutats are the best, yay!

    Elephantes look cool with the Feather Elephante Headdress. I could almost make one if I'd just come up with the rest of the customization :D

    Off to DTI ->

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