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French Bulldog

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Posts posted by French Bulldog

  1. Congrats,that sounds great! (:

    It's amazing what a little exercise and cleaning can do for ones self.


    Hopefully you'll be able to keep it up for a while so you're feeling this good. :3


    I know once I started eating healthier, and cut out fast food (For the most part.. xD) I noticed a huge difference!

  2. @ limitatiion, woot! -high five back- Those are some fine interests you have there missy!

    @BrokerIntercept, wow, 15 years! Well.. I'm pretty sure you nhave noticed a ton of changes! *___* And mmm.. I could so go for a latte right now.

    @ john lennon, hello fellow Floridian!

    Yeah, I'm pretty stoked. Love that fresh feeling. c:

  3. I had some homemade deep fried chicken & seasoned potatoes.

    Come to think of it, that was quite a few hours ago and it's probably time for a snack. xD

    Muddy buddies,here I come! <3


    I'm really in the mood for a milkshake tho.. but not enough ice cream. u__u

  4. Hello! c:

    I'm new around here, but not to Neopets. Although I did just create a new account. I like the starting over idea. n_n

    You can call me Frenchie if you'd like. I'm kinda excited to join a forum about Neopets to be honest. /).(\


    I like to make friends, so message me here or Neopets if you'd like!

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