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Empress Keiko

Fantastic Members
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Status Updates posted by Empress Keiko

  1. I told you i'd be on. And wharts with this laura business? T_T I shalt forever call you Mia. k? k.

  2. Happy birthday :D

  3. Happy birthday :D

  4. Happy birthday :D

  5. happy 2 days late birthday!

  6. I love sarcasm too!

    oh, and hai!

  7. Am I the only one to leave a comment? HAI ANIME!

  8. thanks. The penguin ish pwnful *its actually a pokemon lol*

    HI RINA!

    Happy soon to be 99th bday Mini!

  9. i like to travel...*drinks prune juice* lol I'm not really that old......i want to be some day, but being young is good ^_^

  10. what does ONOZ mean? I saw it in your photo...

  11. omg I love homestarrunner! It's sooo funny

  12. HAI MINI!!!! I'm pretty good!!

  13. Hiya Morgan!!! *tackles and suffocates with a hug*

  14. Hiya Mini!!! Haven't spoken to you in awhile! Sooo....HI!!!!

  15. Hey guys! IM BACK TO TORTURE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .......oookay.....i meant to be friends with you....*shifty eyes*

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