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    syklyst reacted to Zorse in Putting Pets Down,   
    Omg... it makes me so sad that people even could shoot their own pets. At times, putting them down is necessary for their own good, but I just can't see how someone who loves their pet could do something like that. Definitely necessary if they got in an accident, like mentioned, and needed to be put down immediately, but other than that I just see it as cruel. Not sure about anyone else, but I think also that it's just disrespectful to the animal itself who has been sweet and loyal to you their whole life. My cousin had this really sweet dog who, once she got real old, could no longer walk. Her dad carried her out back and shot her. I was traumatized just hearing about it. It's just a subject that horrifies me. I mean, I love my animals so much I couldn't imagine ever taking their life so I can't understand how other people can do it without a thought.
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    syklyst reacted to hrtbrk in Putting Pets Down,   
    I'm conflicted.
    Would I ever be able to do - heeeck no; however, I can understand why some people would like to do it on their own terms, but I believe that's a conversation you have to have with your pet. I can totally see how some people would like that "honour" or feel like they're doing justice to their animal but doing it personally. I don't entirely feel that it's cruel or heartless because I feel that's something that's very hard to do.
    What bugs me the most is that the chance of something going wrong and surviving the initial gunshot is fairly high... then what?! Try again? That's where it becomes cruel. I'd rather it be quick and painless as humanly possible - for the animals benefit and your sanity because the whole entire thing just seems traumatizing on so many different levels.
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    syklyst reacted to Russ in Let's talk about GAY MARRIAGE!   
    Okay, I'm honestly not sure how much of a debate there's even going to be because there's near-unanimous agreement on this topic on virtually every online community of which I have ever been a part, and I doubt that that'll be too different here... But whatever!
    I personally think it's ~ludicrous~ that gays aren't allowed to get their marriage on in so many first-world countries. It's just ridiculous that outdated religious prejudices still play such a large part in how minorities are perceived in places that are supposed to be advanced, and downright disgusting that oppressing and dehumanizing these minorities is basically considered the norm.
    Anybody strongly agree or disagree?
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    syklyst reacted to Angeló in Your thoughts on legalizing marijuana?   
    I agree , I was busy in the morning and didn't have time to edit and add this point
    it should be supervised ... but it can also create problems ... imagine if it's sold in pharmacies as a medicine - then some guys go in to rob the place and take the drug ... things can get violent
  5. Like
    syklyst reacted to Jadey in Your thoughts on legalizing marijuana?   
    I think it should be legalised for medical use only. As in prescribed by a specialist doctor, not free for any person who feels it will benefit them.
    As a nurse I've seen both the good and bad sides of marijuana. And as much as people say marijuana has never killed anyone and doesn't have side effects, they're wrong. What happens when you take a drug? You lose your inhibitions, you can hallucinate and be completely unaware of your surroundings and self. I've seen plenty of cases of where kids have been under the influence of marijuana and only that and have stepped in front of cars.
    It's silly to ever compare cigarettes, alcohol and drugs. They all are detrimental to the body and affect different areas (e.g. smoking harms the lungs throat, mouth and nose; alcohol liver and kidney; and drugs most potently the brain). I don't think that every person out there should have access to marijuana because look at where we are now with cigarettes and alcohol. We all know that eventually too much will kill us, but they will never be banned from society because of the tax benefits the government get and the fact they keep raising the tax on them and reaping more benefits from people's abuse of cigarettes and alcohol (I'm speaking for Australia here as we are constantly being given more and more increases on tax for legal substances).
    Ultimately, yes marijuana should be legalised, but for medical uses only. Putting a drug substance out there that does have side effects without a control is asking for chaos.
    Btw I just want to say I have smoked marijuana several times in my teens and it's a bit hypocritical of me, but nursing has opened my eyes to my naivety that any drug, cigarette or drink could be 'safe'.
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