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Posts posted by CurlyFreys

  1. If you stop even before starting, then there's really no point in further discussing it. We all started from nothing, tried our hands at a few things, and NP accumulated over time. Saying you aren't good at games - have you tried ALL of them and found not ONE you're good at? It takes 5 minutes to complete 3 games of Catch the Petpet, a game requiring no skill at all. Maths Nightmare takes about half as long and is an easy 3k a day, and even a I know how to divide 10 by 5. A few clicks in Fashion Fever is still 900NP more than where you first started. Everything adds up eventually. Do dailies. All the resources are out there for you to read and use, all it takes is some patience and a little bit of effort. Relying on luck alone on Neopets will get you nowhere, fast.


    Well that was a bit rude.


    I've been playing Neopets for a long, since I was a kid.

    When I was younger, all I would do was play games and none of them amounted to much.


    While I appreciate the time you took to respond, I don't appreciate the condescending way you worded it.


    I never said I didn't put effort in so don't assume I don't.

  2. Again, I can't really phase it any better than Rune. To be honest I have always felt that the lab ray map was pretty cheap. A few hours gaming and a few hours restocking and your golden not to mention habi. What pieces are you missing?


    I have never been able to acquire many neopoints, I'm just not good at, or my luck is just so bad. Gaming doesn't get me anything and I have no idea how people make so much money from restocking.


    I'm missing four pieces. All the most expensive ones.


    The top three and the very center.

  3. I have been trying to piece it together for a while but haven't been very successful. I have most of the cheaper pieces, so now I'm stuck on the ridiculously expensive ones.


    I know you can get the pieces through Key Quest but it's been glitching more and more lately that it's more a waste of time than anything else.


    Are there any other ways of getting the pieces?

  4. lol that is so adorable!


    I keep thinking disney's robin hood so I keep seeing lions, foxes, and lions lol


    I feel like a woodland painted petpet would be cool


    like a Woodland Hermiteese


    or a royal (and expensive) petpet


    like a royal Bazatlan



    Arootas are also cute and woodland-y :)



    Ooh! Those are all so cute! I had thought about having a woodland one but hadn't considered a royal one! That would be great!


    Are there any petpets that look like foxes or something like that [or more feminine?] then it could be like it's maid marian!

  5. I have an Eyrie named RobinofSherwood. [i am going to paint Robin brown and dress like Robin Hood.]


    I have been trying for a while to find a type of petpet that would fit with that theme, but have had no luck.


    Anyone have any ideas?

  6. I don't think it's rigged, I just think it's EXTREMELY unlikely.


    It's always been a pet peeve of mine and I've always wanted TNT to rewrite their probability algorithm even just slightly because it's literally next to impossible to win [a big or small prize] on a lot of the dailies and whatnot.

  7. Thank you to everyone that has responded, it really helps a lot.


    No, I do not take medication. We are really poor and my mom just sees anxiety and depression as things you just have to get over.


    I am trying to get into better shape as of late and our complex has a 24 hour gym so maybe that will help me tire myself out.

  8. I suffer from anxiety pretty severely and have for pretty much my entire life. That paired with my depression, has actually had quite a lot of side effects that are affecting my life. [i have ground my teeth so much in my sleep that they have to be rebuilt.]


    One of the side effects is hypervigilance.


    If you don't know what hypervigilance is, it is where you constantly feel like you're being threatened.

    Mine is so bad that I didn't even feel safe around my sister and my mom when they fought because I was terrified one of them was going to lose it and kill the other and then kill me. [it sounds ridiculous I know, but you have no idea how many nights I spent (as an adult) hiding under my blankets crying because I was so scared.]


    In the past couple days this has gotten worse because my mom and I moved to a completely different state and into a new apartment. Because I don't know the area or the people, I have been having some small panic attacks when it's time to go to sleep.


    I have to have a light on, even if someone else is home. Every little noise terrifies me because I think it is someone breaking in.

    The only way I can get to sleep is if I go to sleep before everyone else because then I know that someone will hear something if it happens.


    Does anyone else suffer from this? If you do, how do you manage it?


    I loved Lee Hyori's Chitty Chitty Bang Bang album (or whatever the actual title of the album was) and I thought a lot of American fans were too harsh on it. Then again there was the scandal that followed. I haven't seen anything from Lessang, abeMao, or Skull&Haha, i'll have to look them up.


    Favorite Shinee and 2ne1 songs?


    I really like Dazzling Girl, Everybody and 혜야 (Y Si Fuera Ella) from SHINee.


    From 2ne1 my favorites are Go Away and Missing You. But I am really loving Come Back Home.



    You should look up Tears by Leessang and Donam-Dong by Skull&Haha.


    Free and Motto by AbeMao are my favorites by her.

  10. I love kpop. I'm a little less into Jpop though.


    I like the K-hiphop or whatever you want to call it.


    My favorite groups/artists are


    Leessang, Epik High, B.A.P, A-Pink, 2ne1, SHINee, Lee Hyori, AbeMao, Skull&Haha and EXO.

  11. My mom woke me up this morning by telling me to get her purse for her and open the door for her while she carried one of my cats all bundled up in a blanket. She just told me something was wrong with him and that he was bleeding from his butt pretty heavily.


    She didn't call me back for a while, but I wasn't really nervous. I figured he would be okay. Then I got a call from my mom saying that she had made the call to put him down.

    Initially I was furious, not because she put him down but because she hadn't come to get me beforehand so that I could say goodbye.


    So I cried for a long time and snuggled my other cat.


    Then my mom got home and talked to me.


    They found dozens of tumors in his stomach chub. They said they multiplied really quickly and there was nothing they could do. They could be removed but they would keep coming back.


    So they put him down.

    It's heartbreaking to know that he isn't here anymore.


    I've never dealt with death well. Simply because it is so strange to me that someone or something I saw so much doesn't exist anymore and that I will never see them again.


    It breaks my heart even more to know that he had been suffering and we had no idea.


    I hope he didn't think we didn't love him enough to get him help because we really didn't know. The vet even said up until that point there most likely wouldn't have been any indicators that there was anything wrong with him.


    I have another cat, named Simba [yes I know, very original, I was in 7th grade when I got him.] who was my very first pet. I have always been closer with Simba than I was with Wrigley [the one we had to put down] as Wrigley was my Mom's buddy.


    Simba has been wandering around all day crying and it's breaking my heart to think that he doesn't understand where his friend has gone or that he does and he misses him.



    We are currently in the middle of moving from Ohio to Florida but as soon as we get to Florida, I am taking Simba to a vet to get checked, simply because I am worried now. He seems healthy but who knows.


    I'm just scared that they are going to find something wrong with him and I am going to lose both my babies.


    I am sorry for the long post. I just needed somewhere to vent.




    Wrigley [the lighter coloured one.] He was very pretty wasn't he? :[


    Simba misses his buddy.

  12. Ooh! I didn't know keyquest gave them out!


    Also, could anyone explain to me how Food Club works? I've looked at it before but could never really figure out how to make a profit and whatnot.


    NP is actually pretty easy to come by nowadays and the map pieces are currently the lowest I've ever seen them.

    I say grind keyquest, the pieces are relatively uncommon but I've come across a few.

    In all my time playing Neopets, I've never been able to accumlate many neopoints. The highest I ever got was a little over 120,000 and that was just a few weeks ago. I'm always shocked when I see people with millions.
  13. I noticed a lot of people seem to have access to it. Are the pieces easy to come by?


    I've been playing Neopets for a long time [since I was in elementary] but until now I never really went too in depth into to getting access to places and whatnot.


    I saw that the pieces are fairly expensive, [have they increased over time?] and I don't even have enough for one of the 99,000 pieces.


    Is there any other way I could get a hold of them?

  14. I wish they would start putting out beak covers for the Eyrie. [if that makes sense?]

    I know that the beak changes when you change the colour but some of them are so ugly and I think it would be cool to be able to change it off the gross orange that is the default.

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  15. I was checking the rubbish dump yesterday and found a codestone there. I didn't think it was that weird until I read the page on here about what you can get from the rubbish dump and codestones weren't on it.


    Has anyone else ever found one there?


    Sorry! Found the line about codestones. Nevermind. Is there a way to delete a topic from the boards?


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  16. Years and years ago, I started to collect keychains. I thought I was doing pretty well, too. Then new species were released. And many new colors. And the amount of keychains seemed to grow exponentially. -_- So I gave up. I may try again at some point, though. We shall see.


    Be sure to let us all know if you do! That way we can be sure to send any we find your way!


    Also, guys



    I printed off the list, *sobs* So many plushies!


    The ones I have written in the margins are the ones I can't find on the list.

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