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Posts posted by tomeander

  1. Captain Limebeard says, "Arrrgh! Yer not eatin' yer fruits an' vegetables! Ye better take this Magical Aubergine Chia Pop b'fore ye get scurvy!"
  2. This topic is timely. I've always used IDNQ's maps and guides, and they apparently let their domain expire. Oops. Thanks to everyone who posted guides here; hopefully I can find another set of maps for NQ2 (I'm playing on Insane, and I definitely don't want to mess up)..

    I can't access IDNQ's maps either.


    The NQ II maps on /~kythalia are large and very clear.

  3. Discard??? OMG.... I don't think I can do that. I know it's really stupid, but they're... well.... Okay. It really is stupid to get attached. I guess it's because I can't have pets and dearly want to. :sad02:


    Thanks, everyone. I guess I'll just have to hope for the best. Only one nest is pretty bad. I know better now and would do things so differently, but apparently, there's no way to restart the game until after you hit level 50. That just rots. Not sure why I have no problem with hitting a restart button and wiping the game out, but can't discard a single egg..... I'm just nuts, I guess. *LOL* (:


    I guess the only other question I would have is how do I get more resources? I just can't seem to gather enough wood and mud fast enough to build anything besides my two houses, one nest and one storage unit. I can't seem to get more than seven P3s at once. If having them forage is the only way, this is going to be one very long haul. IF the pests don't kill them off first. :sad01_anim:


    Thanks! :laughingsmiley:

    Resources: Are your workers boxed in at a resource spot? You gather more resources that way because they won't have to travel to the tree storages. You can buy items to box in your workers in the "decorations" tab after you click on the shopping bag icon.


    What do you mean by restart? If you go on a hiatus from Habi, the petpetpets will die and you're given 3 petpetpets, one for each job.


    Discarding eggs isn't too bad, it only takes two clicks. If you don't discard, you'll have pages of eggs and it'll be harder to search your storage bag for the right petpetpet and occupation you want.

  4. I've mainly focused on my main pet which I train, read books to, and I used to feed gourmet food. There is another pet that I train on occasion that reads Booktastic books. I have one pet that I zap and the rest are neopets I keep for avatar lends. For NQ, I use my main pet because it's easier to remember which pet I'm playing the game on.

  5. Good luck to everyone going for NQI and NQII. I am seriously considering trying it but even the Altador Plot tries my patience.

    Definitely go for it! :) The Neoquest games are notoriously long but playing a little bit a day helps. There are also many people to chat with as you're playing, particularly on the AC. I really enjoyed the puzzles in the Altador plot and I think the site theme is really nice.

  6. I had a similar issue when I started Habi. I thought the worker/nester/solider ratio would be about even but I ended up with very few workers. Now, I always leave one petpetpet space open from the max population so I can see what an egg will hatch into. This way I can decide which eggs to store in inventory, hatch, or discard for experience points.


    p.s. I didn't have neofriends to help with Habi until after I reached level 50. lol Also, people can't send eggs in the game.

  7. I've been reading e-books on my laptop lately but I personally love paper books. I also love going to the library and those books are always free. Besides my laptop, I'm really lazy about charging electronics so I would not like charging e-readers. Aren't there some issues with lighting for some e-readers? I'm on my laptop a lot and I like to give my eyes a break from the bright screen. Also, it's easier to put a paper book down and get some sleep because you have to switch off the room light to stop reading (assuming an e-reader has backlight). Last but not least, you don't have to be as careful handling a paper book than an e-reader, especially if it falls on the ground.


    I do love the convenience of searching the text in e-books though and the space you save on a bookshelf. Maybe in the future, e-readers can store all the books we want and still materialize in paper book form when we want them to. :)

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