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Posts posted by DreamingofRoses

  1. I think the big thing about zombies is: they strip away the normality of things.


    Like wickedwolf said, everyday life is monatonous and expected and really does not lend itself to being blunt or open and up-front. Get a zombie horde? Can't do that anymore! Your life is in constant danger, your loved ones are in constant danger and you may have to do unspeakable things to survive/let others survive. So what do you do? Who will you become? What are your loved ones really like under pressure? How do human relationship dynamics change in the face of such a danger?


    I think a really good presentation of it is given in The Nostalgia Critic's "Why Do We Love Zombies?" video. You can find it on YouTube or tgwtg.com. WARNING: Strong language and crude humor abound with him. I don't remember anything particularly bad with the zombie video and the one on YouTube should be available for all age groups so it's not that bad.


    But there are a lot of people who ask that question and a lot of it comes down to (from what I've seen): what happens to a human when the system breaks down and they have their chance to step up?

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