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Posts posted by Venus0523

  1. We have an American Bull Dog - My daughter-in-law (who used to live with us) is very allergic and found that like stated above the daily allergy meds took care of smptoms most of the time. The American Bull Dog s a large dog, but a VERY good family dog.... I know it's not on your list, but wanted to share.

  2. no, no, that's a popular move on the tp..  ppl put up lots for 'free' and then close the lots, because they get more offers that a way.  they arent really free, i dont understand it, myself, but what they really want is nps and what its worth..  these ppl are not nice, they are annoying, if anything.  because i used to offer on these lots, but i didnt offer junk- i offered reseller offers..  decent reseller offers, and i still didnt get the item/s.  lots were still closed.  id love to use stronger language, but just ignore these ppl.  they are a waste of time..


    I agree it's most annoying! In addition, it makes it hard for this of us legitimately offering free items (usually junk for packrat avi) to get rid of our items...I usually just end up discarding or donating because of this. 

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