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Posts posted by Babygal4eva

  1. I just started watching Beauty and the Beast. I'm surprised at how much I like it. It's definitely nothing like the disney story. They've done a really good job with it.

    Just got into this recently too... thought it will be a disney kind of thing but i really love it.


    Scandal, OUAT, Blacklist just started again so i'm doing those week by week... waiting for supernatural, The Mentalist to begin.


    And of course my educational tutorials :rolleyes_anim:

  2. I have one to spare lemme see if I can send it to you.

    I think people are behaving really disgracefully

    Send me ur neo username and I'll gift u

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  3. Neopoints. HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO DO ANYTHING WITHOUT THEM!!? Anything worth doing requires a ton of neopoints. :sad02:

    Like seriously, when i see people dropping 90mil or so on an item i just get confused, like how in the world did they earn so freaking much, I'm lucky if i have 500k in my acc at the best times

  4. Well after hearing about it so much i can say that i've finally read the three books, and sad that i won't ever get back the time i spent doing that, at least twilight had a story line that at least had some action and a love triangle.. fifty shades is just... well suffice to say i was greatly disappointed after all the hyping it got. i get that it is an erotica novel but jeez three books of saying the same thing over and over. no offense to anyone who likes it, just my opinion.


    can't wait for the movie though, will love to see how they can possibly act it out

  5. I have a friend in a country in West Africa where it is actually a law that if you are gay(not to talk of marriage yet) that you will be sentenced to 14yrs in prison... When i heard this I was like what the , like how is it the politicians business what my sexual orientation is when there is poverty, kidnapping, rape, murder etc and their main concern is if someone is gay or not. I agree that it is mainly the older generation who are so against this and it really is sad cause I can't see why they are concerning themselves with it. I personally see politicians as soulless individuals concerned with only their pockets and getting fatter.

    I mean live your life how you please don't be so nosy.. be ye LSBGT who give a, do what you want and be happy life is too short to be concerned with what society thinks of you.

    i believe that when the younger generation take over (i.e those born around the '80s no offense to anyone hers) that this will cease to be an issue.

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  6. I'm a game freak and i'm not ashamed of it, Call of duty and grand theft auto is my best but i can still play others too if i feel like it except football games which i think are senseless and dull. now onto guys and their ways..... girls one thing you have to realize is that most of these guys online are like grade 1 nerds..

    they probably haven't held a girls hands before in their entire life so when they come online they feel powerful because of their keyboards they can never say the crap they say in real life.They are just cowards who hide behind their computer screen... so when they insult you online just ignore them and make sure you beat their that's what i do.

    A friend of mine actually exchanges words with them on occasion and she always wins cause she knows every insult in the book i don't bother and i just beat them and boast about it till they log out.

    In real life in school some guys were like arguing with me and some other girls that the only games girls can play is dress up games, fashion games and the like and we challenged them to a game of need for speed: most wanted on a LAN network and me and my girls ended up beating their since then they have been trying to beat us and gain their dignity back but to no avail and even if they do beat one of us we throw it back in their faces when we beat them... so don't let them get you down and be who you are that i like video games doesn't mean i don't like shopping or hanging in the mall we all have our hobbies. and if they insult you you can always fire back at them if you are sure you have a tough hide cause guys can be mean.

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