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Posts posted by LeavingBabylon

  1. For all of those wondering what my situation is,


    I don't think my boyfriend would care. It's just kind of hard though not to blab about your pets to people in real life :P

    I get what you mean but it is kinda like something girly, or anything I care about and he doesn't. So if I am excited about some new makeup, or a new episode of a show I really like, or whatever, it is just something for me to enjoy.


    My husband does not like any video games and rarely gets on the computer. He just thinks it is dorky but doesn't care. :)

  2. Those are all extremely helpful! Thanks for being detailed. The science-minded side of me loves gathering all these experiences and knowledge - its the only way we can really improve our strategy effectively!!

  3. Based on how many days the melody went, I think this will be similar. I think there is a set number of levels that you can continue through even if the next phase already started. I have been completing a few levels at a time (only on 14) and the only time I had a long wait was when I did a bunch of levels in a row. Now, it hits me for less than a minute. So those being cursed and having to wait a long time, I think there may be some built in timeline on how fast you can complete the levels.

  4. I know what you mean - as much as I try to win, I don't care much either way. I usually can only play once or twice when I am at a decent PC so I can admit I do get frustrated when I only get a worthless background and stamp...!!!


    No problem. Please try the fruit picker tip and make sure I am right. I have never calculated every point but I did note I got more when I picked the rainbow ones. I don't want to tell you the wrong thing if it was a fluke but I believe it is the case!


    Orbs - Okay that definitely makes sense. Here I was thinking the game was just kinda iffy but good to know there is a reason I was having that issue.


    Petpet Snare - Great tips. I have never tried going slower or that shape so that will probably make all the difference.


    Shenkuu - Hmmm... I will have to test this out further. You only get the points when the little hearts appear, right? So it could also be an issue of positioning where the umbrella isn't fully covering them.


    Great tips and very helpful! I will be sure to try them out soon although I don't get to play as much as I'd like.

  5. I, too, regret my username/petnames and not participating in plots and events. I wouldn't say it was a regret but I remember there was some scam everyone and their mother was doing with the Lost Desert and a lot of people got rich from that. Or frozen. But I am not very rich and a lot of it is because I didn't realize all the ways people were getting NP. I thought games were just about the only option.... SIGH!


    I was scammed out of a valuable item. They offered to trade an item that was showing up for sale as 99k. Well, turns out that wasn't the actual going rate. I only got a few thousand NP.

  6. I think I don't care what anyone says, as long as they aren't being vicious. I've had people make threats and say really odd things and I think "I hope you have a weird sense of humor because you are freaking me out!!!" I am a fairly "nice" player as described by siniri. While I may not always win, I prefer to win by making smart moves rather than taking every chance to mess up the other player. I do get that it is fair to do so but I hate when people constantly do it to me (put a lintball in front of me the second they get it just because), so I treat others how I want to be treated :)


    But I came to this topic to say I wish there were more in-depth guides for the mini-games. Winning those keys is often the difference between 1st and 2nd place.


    Here are some of my mini-game tips/comments/questions:


    For Berry Blaster, just click as fast as you can machine gun style near any fruit/group of fruits. I almost always win as I see other people aiming and shooting one fruit at a time. I've only been beaten by people who use my same technique.


    Fruit Picker: I believe the rainbow fruits are worth the most points. Again, I almost always win because I go for these rather than whatever is close. I'd love to see a point break down of the different fruits.


    Neogarden Grow: I wish I knew exactly where to position it to water two seeds at once. It happens sometimes but don't have it down to a science by any means.


    Orbliteration: I wish I knew which orbs pink orbs were clickable from which blue orbs. Sometimes I will move to an orb with a pink one right next to it, but it won't be clickable. Even if this happens, I have done well by constantly moving from blue orb to orb.


    Petpet Snare: I think opponents think I am about 5 years old based on my performance here. I have only ever successfully looped ONE INSECT. EVER!!!!! I have no clue what I am doing wrong and how to fix it. It always says incorrect loop. So it is the kiss of death if this game pops up >.< If anyone has a clue what I may be doing wrong, I'd love some tips!!!


    Shenkuu Showers: Do you get more points for protecting the same petpets for the longest amount of time? Or the larger amount of petpets (moving to where you can cover the largest group)? I never win this game and I am not sure why. Tips??

  7. What is the best item you've ever "found" in Neopia? Or, alternatively, won through a daily, plot, or something else free.


    There were so many things I foolishly used or traded that were worth (or at least now are) so much!!! I haven't gotten anything too stellar in recent memory but a white paintbrush and pink petpet paintbrush.


    It does seem I have more random events when I donate more items, which was a theory circulating around at one point. Who knows.... :)

  8. Hi everyone. I have been using my same account with the extremely juvenile username since 2001. I, like many of you, used the dailies for a long time. Then I began reading articles, and comments, and wanted to be part of the discussion :)


    I have always come back to Neopets here and there but lately I have been on daily. I'm mostly just interested in the plots and hoarding neopoints until I can buy what I want (paintbrushes) without going broke :)


    Part of the appeal to the site for me is the nostalgia. A lot has changed in my life and on the internetz in 12 years, but the majority of the site is the same or at least recognizable. Welp, glad to be here!



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