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Posts posted by worstpoetryever

  1. I identify myself as a Christian, but I don't hate gay people. I disagree with their lifestyle, but that doesn't make them bad people. I do believe that marriage is meant to be between a man and a woman, as sanctioned by God, but they do have a right to make their own choices, that's the power of freewill. The choice doesn't mean they should be persecuted or trashed.


    I see what you're trying to say, but it doesn't work that way. You can't say that you "disagree with [my] lifestyle", express that you don't want me to have the same privileges as you (marriage), and then try to cover it up by saying that you don't hate me. It'll still hurt and upset me. It's not my lifestyle, it's a part of who I am. I'm into women and I love my partner. It sounds like you don't know what you're talking about at all. That last sentence to top it off, does that really need to be said? Does it prove you to be a good person if you don't think that people should be persecuted? No. All it says is that you're not a completely rotten human being.


    You're allowed to have your opinion and I respect your beliefs, but I honestly don't think it has a place in this discussion. Your opinion is based on an interpretation of the bible and it's very hard to get anywhere with that. When I went to bible camp and asked the theologists about homosexuality, they said that if Paul had known that his letters would later be interpreted as God's literal word, he would've chosen his words more carefully. They brought up Romans and explained the context, and that the passage in that light most likely refers to men cheating on their wives with other men (and vice versa). Then they went on to explain how we no longer live in bondage by the old law (e.g. Leviticus), and that living according to the old law is a curse. And, that teaching other people to live under the old law is bringing them under a curse.


    Their interpretation of the bible is (at least*) as valid as yours. You could discuss it, but they (and you as well, I assume) have read the bible and understood it through the holy spirit. I don't think it's possible to validly bring the bible into political discussion before it is somewhat clear what the bible says. You can say that homosexuality is a sin, and another Christian comes in and disagrees with you. It sort of cancels your argument out. (Not your opinion or your personal voice, but your argument.)


    *by "at least" I don't mean to belittle your interpretation, but at the point (one of them has graduated and become a priest) they were studying Christian theology at a university; including bible studies; Hebrew, Greek, and Latin; biblical times history; among other things related, so while not knowing your background, I assume that they have put more time and effort into understanding the bible.



    And, on to what I wanted to say. In the physical world of man-made law and justice, it's ridiculous how gay marriage still is an issue. The gays aren't trying to steal your marriage and keep it for themselves. We just want to share.

  2. I don't think you can look it up any other way than just going back and checking every page manually. They might've used it on another day as well, if the Grarrl day gallery was full but they saved it for a day with no event. Have you submitted something before, without knowing if it got in? I'm still waiting for my trophy from Mutant Day in August, I emailed support and they said that all art gallery trophies are awarded manually and they just had a lot of other things to do before getting to me :l

  3. Spyke's post on page 2 with possible solutions helps me a lot! Knocking politely worked on most of the ordinary silences at first, but at about floor 5 it stopped working for me, and since that it's almost always been stomping. For the Hot door-one, telling it to chill out has always worked for me. Then there was one that said something about sounds of lollipops? (wow sounds odd, I'm forced to rest atm but I'll come back and edit later if I'm wrong.) Bursting in violently on that one has worked most of the time.


    I wonder the mornings have short Curse of Fatigue times??

    I don't think so, to me it seems it just depends on how many floors you've completed that day. I got a 7 hour long Curse of Fatigue at about 5am NST, after finishing a few (I don't remember, five or six?) floors.

  4. It's still blank, ugh. I went to bed last night (I'm ten hours ahead of NST) worrying about Scarlet! I mean it'd be weird if we got any nice prizes for redeeming prizes, but it'd be the first time I'm on the winning side of any event (except for when everyone bandwagoned The Seekers for that last avatar) and that'd be sweet. She was still in the lead before midnight, right?


    During the event I landed a Halloween PB, a Halloween Petpet PB, a Cursed elixir, and two each of Halloween Tonu MP and Zombie Petpet PB. Yay for hoarding! I'd probably be upset if I'd gotten those items before the event and planned on selling them, but I think TNT made a good move in deflating them to lower the threshold of dressing up pets for Halloween.

  5. I voted Faerie Naleap because the design is similar. I really like the Orange Beakadoodle with your pet; I think the orange complements Shereze's colours nicely. They'd look great interacting in a picture, but as the petpet is displayed beneath the image of the pet, I think the difference in style would keep them from connecting.

  6. Yes, you'll get new nesters even if you have nester eggs in your bag already.

    But I'd definitely recommend you to keep playing normally if you're not maxed out. You'll probably want to get to level 50 as that's where the NP is, and there's a chance of getting the eggs you need from levelling up. There are guides on how to level up quickly, this one in the Neopian Times is good. It's also pretty much the same way you'll be the best off playing at level 50; earning XP as quickly as possible.

  7. You'll need some patience, but it's doable. Are you at level 50? If you're not, just keep playing as normal. Levelling up sometimes gives you a random egg, so you may receive Mootix and Pinchit nesters. You can check TDN's guide to see which levels give out eggs. If you're already at max level, the game will give you a new nester if all your old ones die out. In other words, don't hatch any more Larnikin nesters, and hope to get a different species when the last of your current nesters die. Remember to save a couple of Larnikin nester eggs in your bag, so you can bring it back once you have nester eggs of the other species. If you get a Mootix, harvest a couple of nester eggs it produces, but don't hatch them. Then when that one dies, hope for a Pinchit. Hatch workers and soldiers as you normally do.


    In the future, harvest some eggs before you start hatching or discarding. I always keep at least two nester eggs of each species in my bag, so I can just get one out and hatch it when a nester dies.


    Edit: Whoops, I was a bit slow there. What blueberrykiwi said is basically what I was trying to say.

  8. Pokémon!

    I'm not even a gamer, but when I was let out of the hospital this spring I treated myself to a 3DS and Pokémon Black as my eight-year-old brother had bought White, and OH MAN. I was expecting a watered out version of the last one, as I'd felt about previous generations, but it was all so exciting and fresh. I never got Black 2, but I might later. I'm excited to be around for the release this time, with online events and all that. I'm so excited about all the new content, but I'm also worried that the new 3D design (is that the term? You know, the new visuals, not the actual 3D effect that you can turn off) will put me off.


    And The Sims 4. The Sims 2 and 3 were my favourite games, but I decided that I had to go cold turkey a couple of years ago. Hopefully I'll be able to enjoy it responsibly this time.

  9. I came across this article a while ago, about older Neopets users and possible reasons contributing to young adults still being around. "These Neopets Have Been Alive for 13 Years" on Mashable


    I'm 19 and I've been playing on and off since I was about 9 years old. At twelve I made an account saying I was 13 and maaaan I got sucked in for a few years. It was the golden age of Harry Potter guilds and drama and actually getting away with flirting and posting pictures of yourself and referring to off-site roleplaying forums. At some point, I even had some kind of clique on the NC. It sounds awful, but at least I wasn't ~rAnDoM~.

  10. I, too, think that you just cease to exist. It terrifies me, really. It makes me feel so small and insignificant, and even if I managed to save earth; make world peace and end hunger, it'll all be gone in less than the blink of an eye, in a cosmic perspective. Humanity still remembers Einstein and Elvis and ancient warlords, but in all likeliness humanity will see an end and no one will remember. I often feel like just enjoying life and making the best out of it is pointless, because I'm afraid I (my consciousness, soul, identity) will end. I think of it as being over-refreshed one night; maybe having a lot of fun and at the time feeling amazing, but the next day you remember nothing.


    What makes me feel better again is that my own consciousness is the only thing in the world that I can take for granted, there's no way for me to make sure that anything else is real. Cogito ergo sum, etc. etc. I feel better by keeping the uncertainty of everything in mind. I don't feel like everything has to matter or make sense. I guess my rationing is just a detour to eventually get to the "carpe diem"-attitude, but it's what works for me. I always felt like I needed to have all the answers in order to be able to relax and take control of my life, but right now the knowledge of me being incapable of knowing is comforting. Maybe that is similar to how religious people feel? Not about the life-after-death-part, but the submission to the circumstances (whatever they are).

  11. The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman. It's a short novel, and I've had it for months, but I've just not had the time and peace of mind to sit down and read it, I'm only a couple of chapters in. Anyway, it seems great. He's my favourite author; American Gods was the first book I read in a year when I started to get better, I borrowed it from the hospital library and it really made me feel alive. Neverwhere was incredible; I laughed and screamed and cried, and in rage threw the paperback at the wall a couple of times.

    Also, textbooks :l

  12. I'm sorry you have to go through this.


    As I don't know what this is all about I can't really put myself in the situation, but it does sound like you're through. It seems like an immature way to end something, so the case might be that she's incredibly upset and therefore letting the raging emotions lead, instead of reason. Maybe she'll come around after calming down; if for nothing else to apologize for deliberately hurt your feelings and try to end your relationship in a more civil way. I don't know, I don't know her and I don't know the situation.


    When something like this arises in a close friendship, it's often about compromising; agreeing to disagree, or completely laying your case down, but you can't always do that. Everyone has different values and everyone has deal breakers, something you can't live with agreeing to or participating in or even being close to. Friendships are important and often worth sacrifices, but at the end of the day you have to stand up for yourself.


    I hope you can just step away for a while and keep yourself occupied. Losing a friend will always feel awful, but gaining distance and ability to look at the situation objectively is the best you can do. I don't think you can "save" it at this point, but maybe a solution (be it getting back together or just realizing that you're better off like this) will be there when the both of you aren't preoccupied with strong feelings.

  13. I've been in a relationship for over two and a half years, and it's amazing. It's my first ~serious~ one, before her I was in these stormy, destructive, and manically passionate relationships; I was kind of addicted to the crazy drama, and it really tore me down. I didn't see myself ever being in anything solid or safe, and never with anyone like her, so I feel so very lucky for every small turn of events that brought and kept us together. She's calm and sensible and affectionate and incredibly patient with me. She gives me so much and I sometimes wonder what she gets from me, but eh... She loves me and I love her.


    A couple of days ago, she moved out of the country to study, so I'm a bit nervous about the future. It's only a 5 hour travel by car and ferry, but it's kind of expensive so I don't think I'll be able to visit her very often, and it's med school so she'll be quite busy. There's no way of preparing or fool-proofing, but I guess that as long as we both feel like it's worth it, we can make it work.

  14. It's really not hard if you just carefully read through it and follow the steps. There are online "GIF makers" but what they do is ask you to upload the still pictures you want used and then they just put them together. If you want to make graphics, then that way is more work.


    The moving text you see on buttons have most likely been animated using the basics from that tutorial. What you see is your browser quickly displaying several different still pictures as one animated button.

  15. I don't use GIMP myself, but they have this tutorial on their website: http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Simple_Animations/

    That seems to be the basics and probably all you need to know. The examples don't look very good, but once you get the basic idea and learn the tools you can apply it to anything :)

    GIMP offers another product called GAP, if you want to add effects or do bigger, smooth transitions, but it's more advanced and might take a while to get used to. They link to it from the tutorial, but I'd learn to do it the basic way first.

  16. I agree with Apathy on the bathrooms. It's very simple, you just lock yourself in a stall and do your thing.


    The big problem with segregated bathrooms and locker rooms is what I understand that non-cis people are questioned or even rejected when they go to use the one assigned to their gender (i.e. a trans*woman uses the women's bathroom and vice versa). I don't think that keeping segregated bathrooms and just adding a "third gender option" would be a good solution for that. (I'm aware that many identify as neither male nor female, but that's not what this discussion is about, right?) I imagine that anyone who identifies as a woman would want to use the women's room without being questioned, instead of going to the one for "other/both".


    With locker rooms it's much trickier. I wouldn't use gender neutral one, I wouldn't feel comfortable. In an ideal world I would, but you know; the patriarchy and all that. Boys and girls are brought up to totally different standards and behaviours. Deny it all you want, but girls are taught to be pleasant and careful and boys are encouraged to be adventurous go-getters. I don't think parents even realize it, it's just so ingrained in society. And, back on track, what I'm trying to say with that is that women and men are automatically and (most often) subconsciously put in very different positions regarding confidence and mental/social control. Wolf-whistling, feeling entitled to a woman's affection ("Nice guy-syndrome"), and so on. I'm not ashamed of my body, but I want to feel in control of it. As long as I almost daily feel objectified by male strangers, I won't be able to relax and let my guard down while naked around other male strangers. I wish it wasn't this way but it is.


    As rombosulonte said, it shouldn't be about those trouble-maker genitals.

    I think it's a stupid question in its core; if you identify as a woman you are a woman, and if you identify as a man you are a man. The problem is the uneducated and/or ignorant people who don't realize it and feel entitled to bother someone about it.

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