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Posts posted by devpup

  1. Thought: Could we make a general access list of all of these pets so we can donate them (if we're willing) if we happen to zap someone else's dream pet?


    Also.... hmmmmm. Tough question. I think I'm most in love with the Garlic Jubjub, Island Kacheek, anything Maraquan (they're all so beautiful and watery!) and the stealhy pets.

  2. Golden raisins. I know thats odd, but given that they're a little pricey and I can eat a whole box in 3 days flat, they're deadly.

    Also, Disney movies. Always have, always will love them. I may get crap about it from my friends, but I have no shame! (usually)


    Oh, and Neopets. If my friends knew, I'd be mocked for years.

  3. Mmmmmm, ice cream! Had an excuse to eat some a few weeks ago, forgot how tasty it was!


    All-time favorite: this tasty olive oil with chocolate chip flakes one that a local creamery makes. Dont bash it until youve tried it, its life-changingly good.


    Not bad (by B&J) is the Phish food one. So many tasty things in one little pint!

  4. I'd agree with an above post, make sure to check in after the minute changes over. I just completed the plot, so I got it on the first try this way. Basically, just do the action that corresponds with the petpet, then wait until the clock turns to the next minute, and about 5 seconds past the hour, refresh the page and do another action. A good way to keep track of the number of actions is to check the webpage address - itll have the last number prior to your current action near the end.


    Good luck!

  5. TYRANNIA LOOKS AWESOME!! I think I love the redo of it more than the war and the prizes and the new avvies and such. Also, on the topic of avvies - despite being on the winning team, it seems unfair to those who are avvie collectors but couldn't get this one due to a decision on their part. Oh well I guess.


    And some of the prizes are cool, but it took me a bit to decide what to buy, what with only 72,000 points, the decision-making was relatively difficult.

  6. Hello! Welcome fellow new member! Keyquest, most definitely we shall have to play a game soon. Sometimes my computer's a little glitchy with it, but its getting better now that I clean it up every month or so. Also, if you need items lent to you for the Packrat avvie, shoot me a neomail and we can work something out.

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