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Everything posted by wolfgodkamui

  1. I couldn't agree more oh my god! I love that outfit, lol I would wear it myself. So kawaii!
  2. OMG I loled, I used to love that show. I like the out. As for the snow, yup I thought the same as the Facebookers...that nose
  3. ^ oh...I didn't think of that about the shop part, TY for telling me. I'll have to empty it if theres stuff in it
  4. I don't normally post but..I too was annoyed at neopets at one point. My bf went on my account and edited my shop, he typed "buy my crap" and the shop was reported. (He didn't do it to be mean, he just thought it would make ppl giggle) it was my side account but I was crushed I had lost it. After 2 years or so I saw a post on reddit that you can message neopets via facebook. I tried that and to my surprise I got a reponse a day later and my account was unfrozen!! Um so to Esquizo you C A N get your old account back. In my case I just had to tell neopets the name of the email I first signed up with and around when I made it. I luv neopets and I tricked my bf into playing; now hes a neo-nerd (way more than me) so I would be deeply sad if "the game went bankrupt =')"
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