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Posts posted by aznnerd09

  1. A freckled Earth Faerie smiles at you. "Hi there! Would you do a quest for me? I need Tears of the Water Faerie, please."

    I had work yesterday and missed my daily :sniff: oh wells at least I got today's

  2. With a bang, a Dark Faerie appears. "Get me Feed the Skeith Game. Don't ask questions and maybe I won't turn you into a Blechy."

    Please and thanks! I'm glad I'm not getting any of the craft faerie's but sad about no FFQ's :[

  3. "Brilliant light blinds you. As it fades, a Light Faerie says, "Thank goodness you're here! Please find me Quiggle Warlord, kind Neopian."


    I hope this one is cheaper than the previous two were.

  4. I'm having some bad luck with my shore too! I've been getting nothing this past 2 weeks after getting the avatar.




    Curse of nothing finally broke!


    A deserted shore stretches along in front of you.

    What's this? It looks like you found something buried in the sand...

    You have received 2,000 Neopoints

  5. Hello TDN! I've recently been obsessed with neopets again and have been lurking the site for about 2 weeks. Decided I should be proactive and make myself an account here and introduce myself. The name's Kayla and I have just started up neopets after a 4 year break. :laughingsmiley:

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