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Posts posted by MrsRant

  1. *squishy hugs*




    this was from a guildie...now I know I have doing my share of overkilling, but I feel pretty pathetic after reading this......COME ON THIEVES!!



    Brutes are keen to win, lots of overkilling going on. There's one guy I know of that has 800 each in
    the first wave & 1200 each in the second.

  2. Thanks Sakeru!!


    I do like the items also, I was glad I bought the keys :D


    I dont think I will be going on much after this round *sigh* These HP jumps are getting wicked! I am grabbing a free train today but after he is done, I am going back to the training school. I am much happier paying more for shorter training times. I usually get him in 2-3 times a day, and right now I have a cookie, so I want to grab him the extra trains while I can.


    On a happy note, I had really good luck with items from battles today, 8 faeries and 2 codestones :P for me, thats awesome!! I dont get good stuff much lols

  3. Morning guys! I have a couple of questions for everyone.


    First..how many of you are opening the casks? I opened my first ones today, I wanted the background and got it :P Just curious as to how many people are actually opening them.


    And...on the flawless victory, do you have to not get hit? Or just finish with full health? I have seen both listed as what you need to do to get the ach.

  4. Mousey, great layout!! I wish you luck!


    Yep, fellow thief here just wanted to add in some info some might find useful.


    While battling today, I had gotten the ach's but had not claimed the gifts. I noticed I lost the pointy one at some point. I changed to a different dagger and got the ach back.


    Also, I saw on TDN that it was 40 fights to fill the doing your part bar, but I didnt get mine filled till 45.


    Good luck to all!


    May the shadows always keep you safe!

  5. "An error occurred: You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day."




    I know this is off topic, sorry but I got the same message Kitty!! noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lols


    I do think however, that for those who have not seen it, they lump marijuana into that category because of our government and the "war on drugs". If its in that category it has to be evil and bad right?? :P

  6. I also was anti-customization at first when I came back, but have recently been enjoying it. I do agree with Lady L that we should have more battle-themed customization. I have my battle pet, my book pet, my gourmet. lol I would love to be able to have a battle "look" to my battle baby. More of a RWAR! feel :P


    I do like what they have done, I agree more non-NC items should be cooler, and I hope they do a lot more with it.

  7. Some things I have not seen mentioned (honestly, I have not read ALL the posts, but..) that may or may not have thought provoking qualities.


    *If legalized, it becomes an industry, as evidenced in OR/WA/CO/CA ( I have lived in CO OR and CA). There are rules and regulations that have to be followed, and you also see a quality difference. You have a standard to apply. On the street, its good luck to you. Those who do smoke know what I am talking about, the difference between medical grade and dirt weed, or brick. This is good for keeping people from going to "drug dealers" as opposed to dispensaries. Plus, once you know the difference in strains, you can get what you want, a body relax, or a giggly head. Just as those who are looking to get smashed might head to a hard liquor vs a 6 pack.


    *I hear a lot of what I consider silly arguments. Whats next Meth?!?! really. you went there. ok. NO! Meth heads hurt themselves as well as others. More hardcore drugs like that, meth, coke, heroin etc, you get violence, damage to the body and mind that is above and beyond what a pot smoker will deal with. I have lived long enough to see and lose friends to hardcores. I have watched people tumble down into heroin addiction and the strugle it is to get back up, and some havent. There is a HUGE difference. I do get a little peeved at people who try to make this connection, I think until you have really seen the difference, you cannot fathom it.


    * I know this one has been pointed out, the economical benefits. How many farmers that are losing their farms piece by piece could save their family land by growing this crop? Not only for smoking or medicinal uses, but hemp is SO useful in so many other ways. Fiber for papaer, cloth, rope, this stuff is STRONG! Oils for lotions, balms, cooking (yeah, works good on popcorn :P). This is a fast growing crop and all parts of the plant are useful. Additionally, the revenue saved by easing our prison populus and collected through a tax on it similar to the taxes on cigarettes and alcohol would be enormous.


    *Finally, I dunno where this really belongs in this debate, but its a point I would like to make. The recent changes to the marijuana laws have been brought on by people demanding freedom for their choices, options to "traditional" medicines. We need more of this imo!! (here comes my government tirade) We as a country are being crushed by intrusive government, thats not how it was set up to be. Our government spends our grandchildrens money now, and we leave them with what? Less freedoms, more government in their homes, debt they will never be able to handle. These small wins, in states, show us we CAN still make changes that our "government" disagrees with and I am all for that! I love my country completely, I love to travel and see more and more of it, but my government needs fixing, desperately.


    ok, think I am done :P ish...ness....*giggle*

  8. Hi guys! First, Xandria, love it! One of my daughters is a cutter, her arms are *really* bad. My hubby and I have offered to help pay for tatts to cover some of it, and last time she was visiting some tatt shops one of the artists offered her a full sleeve if she comes back in 6 months with no new scars. She is doing good and has found motivation to find new ways to deal with stress. I love that this artist offered that, people in the body art community are so awesome!


    As for mine, I have 14 tatts, 8 current piercings, and a brand. Here are my Neopets tatts, love my Zafaras!






  9. heya!


    I am rhi, nice to meet you :rolleyes_anim:


    I am an adult (40+) Neopet lover and have been on the game a while. I took a long break when my best friend and guild co-owner died but am back again. Settling back in I have found myself on TDN quite a bit and decided to join up.


    I am a serious zafara lover and have 2 zaffy tatts on my arm. now that I have seen the newer colors, I want more! lols



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