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Posts posted by angiekins

  1. TNT's system is really messed up, no question. I've applied for a few UFA pets recently and I end up mentioning mentioning fishing skill somewhere in the neomail and always get caught cause I forget "skill" is flagged for having the word "kill" in it. I mean, it's simple enough to change skill to level, but if someone else hadn't told me why that was a 'bad' word I never would have been able to figure it out myself. TNT's filters need to be majorly revamped!

    Omg that happens to me all the time. I feel as if that's the reason why I got silenced, because I didn't notice the bad word within a word. I honestly think it's really dumb because "skill" itself is not an offensive word. TNT really needs to fix their entire dictionary of "bad language."


    XDD I know that! My username is hanalways - like Hana and always. I've used it for EVERYTHING, and even have my own registered domain as it. But I tried using it as my username for neopets, but it blocked me as saying that there was an inappropriate word. I looked everywhere, and apparently because "anal" is in hanalways, I can't use it.


    LOL, wow that's really unfair.

  2. I thought things will be ok if you go back & edit your message.

    I didn't think too much of that will result in a perma-silence o:

    I'm not exactly sure why I would get perm silenced if I went back to change it anyways.



    Oh no! So sorry this happened to you. Like a lot of others have mentioned, I am terrified of this happening to me. A lot of my family members and I chat occasionally and I am constantly looking over what I type to find if there are "inappropriate" words within words. Maybe I will just stick to texting them from now on :worried:

    Yeah I never thought this would happen to me haha. Sticking to just texting would be wise :P



    You can't even edit information? I would start a new account and just transfer my important things a little at a time so as not to raise suspicion. But avatars! UGH. I'm really sorry this happened.




    That is a scary idea, considering you can edit a single neomail over and over and never find why the filter is blocking it. You know you can't say the words method or assume?! I know the filter is there for a reason, but I think TNT's system is outdated at best and derp at worst. It's aggravating :sad01_anim:


    I have another account but I don't want to transfer everything because I want to get more avatars and that involves money. :l

    I don't think they'll freeze my account, I mean I can't do anything else wrong if I can't even message anyone haha. Yeah, I'm not 100% sure that's the reason, but like I didn't even send any bad language, I corrected it. I think TNT's system is REALLY messed up.

  3. I thought TNT has got the filter *scratches head*

    Or is it that when one gets blocked by the filter a certain number of times, they get a warning & so on? :tired:

    They do, and I had a few of my messages get blocked so I had to change it. I'm just really use to writing "omfg" or "lmfao" and I don't notice it until they tell me to change my message.


    lol we can be perma-buddies.

    TNT is ridiculous

    Tell me about it..


    This is probably my ultimate fear along with being frozen.. wow. Hopefully you get it sorted out if it really was an accident.

    Yeah it was mine too haha, now I can't even edit any of my pages. I hope so too.


    Perhaps it's one of those filters? It's really annoying not to be able to say certain words on Neopets.


    But yeah, I don't suggest using Neomail to discuss about anything with your friend. Someone on this forum got warned for talking about hospital and death (? I'm not sure, but something along those lines), because it's an ~adult~ topic.

    Oh wow, the rules are so strict, many people on Neopets are already grown and matured. I had to go back and change my wording a couple of times but it was fine.

  4. Wow, you too?! Now I'm getting all paranoid, and I rarely use the boards. Good luck getting the silence lifted.

    I didn't even use the neoboards today. :l


    If you think it's a mistake, definitely get in contact. Hope you get it sorted.


    Worrying that this is happening more frequently - had you even had a warning?


    i guess the only slightly good thing is that it's better than people getting frozen...


    Yes lol because of neomail, my friend signed up for neopets and sometimes we talk over neomail, that probably wasn't wise.

  5. So sorry this happened to you, seems like permanent silencing has been happening a lot lately :( Open up a ticket on the site (you can do so from the Neopets Help Centre) and include any information you can about what happened. Then, unfortunately, all you can do is wait.

    Thanks yeah haha I thought so too. My friend got permanently silenced too. :S


    Ugh, I'm so sorry! :( As Ginger said, go into the help area (http://www.neopets.com/help.phtml), click "request support" at the top, and then "submit a ticket". Put in all the information you can think of. Hopefully you'll be able to have the silence reversed!


    Thank you! I hope so too.

  6. Omg this is so ironic, I just posted in a topic where a person was permanently silenced and now I am. I'm not even sure what I did.


    18/12/2012 04:07pm


    This account was using profanity on one or more areas of the

    Your account has been silenced permanently for breaking the following rule: This account was using profanity on one or more areas of the site. You will no longer be able to communicate with or contact other users, or edit any of your content. You can still access your Neopets account, play games, and participate in site events, though.


    If you feel that your account has been silenced in error, please contact support.



    I'm not sure what I should I do. How do I contact support?

  7. Level does not affect the damage. Level affects the abilities you get, (Beserk Attack is best). Also level depends on training.



    Yes, hit points is considered a stat, so you do need to train your level if you want to train hit points.


    The lab ray is a cheap way to get stats, but your pet won't have normal stats. The lab ray tends to increase hit points (drastically, be.cause it never decreases them) and strength, and it decreases movement. A good example is this: http://www.neopets.c...l?pet=Karinth84


    Also, I suggest you check out the newbie guides on the Battlepedia. It sounds like you have a lot of questions that those guides answer. You can see the first installment here: http://battlepedia.t...warticle/intro/

    There's also a few guides specifically for training. Here's the overview: http://battlepedia.t.../fast-training/

    Oh thank you so much for the guide!


    Level and agility dont effect anything, save for training.


    Haha okay thanks

  8. Are you on Linux or Windows machine?


    I just checked the gimp website, but they don't have Windows version at the moment


    Windows. Oh wow I swear I saw it, silly me. Thanks! :)



    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Spritzie).

    The original topic is now answered and will be closed.

    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this topic.

    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Spritzie if you have any questions regarding this action.

  9. After a certain point, the only thing that level is good for is making sure you can still raise your other stats.



    HOWEVER, you should get up to level 50 so that you can have the Berserk option. It leaves you more vulnerable to attacks, but the damage you deal is amazing.



    Is Hitpoint one of the stats?


    You can train stats up to 2x a level. A level 3 pet can be trained up to 6 for every stat and a level 27 pet can be 54. If you train at the Mystery Island you can train 3x level for endurance. Stats also affect the pound fee. The level of your pet can also impact the faerie abilities it can learn, but with the BD revamp I'm not so sure those even mean anything anymore.



    As for how much damage a level gives - I am unsure. I've searched around what feels like everywhere and was unable to find an answer.


    Thank you! I'll keep that in mind! :)


    At the current time, level doesn't matter because we don't have stances.

    As Karina said, when your pet's level is 50+, you can use Berserk, a stance that multiply the damages your pet is dealing by 1.5

    Having a pet's level of 250+ enables him/her to train at the secret ninja school


    But keep in mind that the pet's level is the basis for raising your other stats.

    If you plan to lab your pet, then you'll get uneven stats with huge HP, decent Strength, average agility/movement, poor defence and level

    In Mystery Island, either the "normal" training school or the secret ninja school allows you to follow courses and train stats which depends on your pet's level

    You can train Strength, Defence, Agility/Movement up to twice your pet's level

    You can train HP up to thrice your pet's level


    Now everthing depends on your strategy: are you planning to have a pet with unbalanced stats (labbing your pet only) or train him/her to have even stats ?



    The lab is a cheap way to do it because I don't want to spend so much money on training my pet.

    I would prefer to have my pet have more normal stats haha.




    Level does not affect the damage, but strength definitely does!


    Icons is one thing, at certain strengths, your icons get mutiplied according strength.


    E.g. if you have a 9 icon , strength 85 (2.5 multiplier) = 9 x 2.5 = 23.5!


    Oh, thanks that clears things up! I was wondering how the damage was so much higher than the weapon itself.

  10. If I'm not mistaken, the Rainbow and Black Worms appear at the same times every day. The Rainbow Worm should show up in the city while the Black Worm should show up in the caves.


    I kept refreshing at the top of every minute at both places. When I found one, I wrote down the time so I wouldn't have to keep refreshing every day. Once you figure out when they appear, they should appear at the same time every day.


    So you're saying they appear every hour?

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