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Everything posted by Bingo

  1. 280,390 for 1 Dubloon coin Clicked somewhere on the little island with the greenery
  2. Just got 2,000 NP from here! http://www.neopets.com/pirates/buriedtreasure/buriedtreasure.phtml?383,351 I'm sticking to my so-called "strategy" of always going for the little island in the bottom right lol sometimes it pays out? Still no avvie though
  3. http://www.neopets.com/pirates/buriedtreasure/buriedtreasure.phtml?374,319 Just got 1,000 NP from this link ?
  4. I tried checking Oxbridge just to be safe, but it seems pretty much tied this time around? So I honestly have no idea. ?
  5. Not sure if this counts as a RE? But I completed a Soup Faerie quest and: ...which means my currently-training 80-level battle pet pet is now level 82, which means... And I feel so stupid that I didn't switch pets ?
  6. This might just help someone today, so... ? http://www.neopets.com/pirates/buriedtreasure/buriedtreasure.phtml?394,319 Mucye049 pulls out a ticket... and... You Won A Booby Prize :( Rock Baby Cabbages Also I'm so sorry for double triple posting on this thread!! I figured I shouldn't edit my last post since it's already a month old, but I'll just do that if this is not allowed ?
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