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Lutarist Jake

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Posts posted by Lutarist Jake

  1. I just noticed that Linea and Anshu's stories do not seem the same.

    He makes no mention of her help.

    And he mentions she talked about something doctorish however, she only mentions the meal. Hmmmmm

    I think I may be able to lay it out for you: Linae said that the whatever food did a double on her something, maybe like... gave her food poisoning. So Anshu might have noticed what happened to Linae and they were talking about what-caused-the-illness-to-happen.


    I think its:




    The captain

    the little scorchio next to the captain.

    I add: Orrin.

    His story has not been heard yet and he is very suspicious. Yes I think the Scorchio (Shumi) is a prime suspect too.

    Ha ha! TNT might decide to put each of them ON TRIAL!!! I think Orrin is guilty.

  2. I normally don't reply, but ouch on not crediting JN when you are even hotlinking one of their fun images


    The crying grundo image is on JN servers. o.o''

    I agree, but why don't you just tell them nicely?

  3. Wow, the header describes the plot pretty well, though you can't read the entire message the header delivers. But "Now you see it, now you don't"

    Cool! I knew there were such things as hidden messages, but I cannot decipher them like you can, rapandula.

  4. It looks wonderful. All I want is a petpetpet... maybe a mootix... and that avvie...

    I have a petpetpet too! But 1 question...can petpetpets really give your petpet diseases? or make them itchy?

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