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Posts posted by 13duckys

  1. http://www.neopets.c...l?pet=rapunzle_


    Magma Uni

    Name: rapunzle_

    Status: UFT/UFA

    Contact: Send me a NM, My user name is 13duckys just like on here!

    Other info: Please don't pound it after, i'm fine with trading on but it would be a shame for her to turn red!


    If anyone could give me a hint on posting pics.. i'd appreciate it. It keeps telling me I can't use the extension or something. :S I'm sure im doing something dumb haha.

  2. I really like the SHS. I pick up the odd bit here and there to put in my closet and i've grabbed a few bargains too which I sell rather than keep. I've picked up a couple of pick your own foregrounds recently and i'm saving up for my dream pets so every little bit helps! I don't know if it's my imagination but I seem to get lucky first thing in the morning.

  3. There's a Who wants to play Key Quest thread here on TDNF if you'd like to try and play again. There are so many quitters playing KQ, and I think that you get better and better at telling which ones quit on purpose and which ones suffer from dodgy connections.


    The KQ boards are always filled with rude people and stories of quitters.


    Thanks for pointing that out to me. :) I'll definitely give it a go.

  4. You had bad luck and played with an idiot. If it makes you feel less wary about playing key quest, I've played 253 games and only once has someone I've played with neomailed me about game, and that was to apologize for quitting (same issue you had with the game, by the looks of it). Of course I haven't had to quit a game prematurely a whole lot, but still.


    Yeah I think you're right. I'm definitely not a quitter...I'll take any key and be happy with it whether its silver or gold or whatever! Even when its not letting me join in the mini games.. I just sit patiently waiting for them to finish. I think I would play more if my laptop wasn't so unpredictable.

  5. I don't play key quest. The first time I played it, I'd just come back from a long hiatus so didn't know anything about it really. I went on it on my laptop in my room which has dodgy internet connection so it glitched out on me, then booted me off but the person I was playing started bombarding me with quite nasty neomails. I tried explaining and apologised but it they were just plain rude, I ended up having to block them and it has put me off playing it to be honest. I do understand now that there is a problem with people quitting out of games because they aren't winning and it's fair enough but I wish people would hold off on flaming folk until they know the facts.

  6. I've just finished reading a hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world by Murakami. When I first started it, It didn't capture me as much as some of the other novels he has written (that I have read) but I really enjoyed it in the end.


    Picked up a copy of battle royale to read after looking forward to reading it for years... but then I got home, opened the book and suddenly remembered that i'd read it already (brain sabotage!)


    I absolutley love to read! I finished reading 13 Treasures #2: 13 Curses by Michelle Harrison. I absolutely loved it! It had 485 pages in it and only took me two days to read. Now I'm reading The Book of Lost Things By John Connolly.


    I read that book too, it was really quirky. I felt a bit disappointed the book ended sooner than I was expecting. (My copy had interviews or an essay in the back.) Kind of like knowing when the ending is coming! I was left high and dry during my lunch hour at work and had to deal with book withdrawal! lol

  7. *Wonders why I never use the petpet lab ray very much, decides to use it...*


    The Kookith begins wildly pushing buttons on the console, which looks to be made of cardboard and... Achyfi cans?! This can't be right! You begin formulating a plan to rescue your Petpet and run far, far away, but it's too late. The ray has already been fired...





    Your eyes recover quite quickly after the giant explosion, but that's more than you can say for your Petpet. The Kookith is kind enough to sweep up Zazz for you and you head home.


    *Remembers why!* DOH!


    Normal Lab ray turned Rosynympth the tuskaninny to green. Which is miles better than the mutant colour they turned to yesterday.

  8. The ray is fired at RosyNympth and...


    (She's been stuck as a tuskaninny for aaages, which isn't my favourite type of pet and it didn't really go well with her name! Yesterday her gender got changed and now to make it worse.....)


    he changes colour to mutant.



  9. Oh, I really want to see Ice Age 4 c: Was it as funny as the trailer makes it seem?


    The last movie I saw was Total Recall. Despite the fact that it's been over ten years since it was made, it's aged (really) well and I loved it. Go, Arnie! c:


    It was quite funny and it wasn't one of those films where the trailer shows all the good bits! Pretty good for a sequel.


    And I really love Total Recall, such a classic. Not sure why they need to remake it but i'll reserve judgement til i see the new one.

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