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Posts posted by tamashiiresonance

  1. I did really want a Faerie Yooyu... but I only just barely made All-Star. But honestly I'm alright with it, I have enough points to buy multiples of the stamp. They're going for 300k now and the price is only going to go up...


    But yeah, I get your point. All I want to know really, is what's going on in Lutari Island. xDD

    lol yeah, you and me both! A good plot would be nice, I've never gotten the opportunity to actually participate in a plot (besides the Altador Plot)

  2. I think a trophy checklist would just make me sad haha. There'd be sooo many unchecked.

    Yeah, same here lol. I'm pretty good at getting the "easy" trophies like Cheat, Go! Go! Go!, and Cellblock... but forget the flash games.

  3. So today he brought him to someone who's good with computers and he installed me the new computer drive and now my computer doesn't shuts down anymore, but my brother said that the problem now is that it doesn't has windows anymore; I can't go on the desktop?


    It seems to me, what happened here was that the computer guy installed a new hard drive into your computer, but did not install an operating system. The hard drive is kind of like the brains of the computer, it's where aaaall the files are stored and where the operating system (in your case, windows) is installed. If you replace the hard drive, you lose everything.

    What you basically have now is a completely blank computer, and without the operating system it doesn't know how to communicate with you! To fix this and get your desktop back, you're going to need to purchase a Windows install disc (make sure it's a clean install and not an upgrade disc). Once you have that, you should be able to put the CD into your computer and it will begin installing.


    Unfortunately, unless you have the old hard drive you will not be able to get all of your files back. Those of us in the technology industry (or in my case, studying to be) tend to be very weary of things like this happening, and I can tell you that I have all of my important files backed up in at least 3 locations - two different computers, and a USB external drive. (I'm also a photographer, so I'm very protective of my photos!) I would highly recommend getting a USB flash drive or something similar to save multiple copies of your important files in the future.

  4. Rank



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    Goals by Ealyn Hawkshanks 356

    Goals by Nitri Cassale 355

    Goals by Zayle Sufhaux 341

    Saves by Garven Hale 750

    Number of Wins 344

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    Slushie Slinger

    Games Played 14

    Top Score 545

    Make Some Noise

    Games Played 376

    Top Score 6,407

    Shootout Showdown

    Games Played 11,508

    Top Score 1,200

  5. Having more than one browser open will definitely make a difference... however I doubt having chat programs open matters. Browsers take up a considerable amount of memory (thats why its good to stick with one) but chat programs do not. I would suggest restarting your computer, and then try playing a game of YYB with just one browser running.

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